
Data transfer object that is used to pass the results of a paginated query. This object contains items of the retrieved page.


The DataPage class allows you to create a data transfer object that can be used to pass the results of a paginated query. This object contains items of the retrieved page.

Important points

  • Most often, this object type is used to send responses to paginated queries.
  • Pagination parameters are defined by a PagingParams object.
  • The skip parameter in the PagingParams indicates how many items to skip.
  • The takes parameter sets number of items to return on the page.
  • An optional total paramter allows you to specify the total number of items returned from a request. However, not all implementations support the total parameter because its generation may lead to severe performance implications.


Creates a new instance of DataPage and assigns its values.

DataPage(List<T> data, int total)

  • data: List<T> - list of items from the retrieved page.
  • total: int - total amount of items in a request.



Items of the retrieved page.

data: List<T>


Total amount of items in a request.

total: int


page = myDataClient.getDataByFilter(
  FilterParams.fromTuples('completed': true),
  NewPagingParams(0, 100, true)
for (item in page.Data) {

See also