
Helper class used to extract and process search tags from objects.


The TagsProcessor class allows you to extract and process search tags from objects.

Important points

  • The search tags can be kept individually or embedded as hash tags inside text. E.g. “This text has #hash_tag that can be used for search.”

Static methods


Compress a tag by removing special symbols like spaces, ‘_’ and ‘#’ and converting the tag to lower case. When tags are compressed, they can be matched in search queries.

static String compressTag(String tag)

  • tag: String - tag to compress.
  • returns: String - compressed tag.


Compresses a comma-separated list of tags.

static List<String> compressTagList(String tagList)

  • tagList: String - comma-separated list of tags to compress.
  • returns: List<String> - list with compressed tags.


Compresses a list of tags.

static List<String> compressTags(List<String> tags)

  • tagList: List<String> - tags to compress.
  • returns: List<String> - list with normalized tags.


Compares two tags using their compressed form.

static bool equalTags(String? tag1, String? tag2)

  • tag1: String? - first tag.
  • tag2: String? - second tag.
  • returns: bool - true if the tags are equal and false otherwise.


Extracts hash tags from a text.

static List<String> extractHashTags(String text)

  • text: String - text that contains hash tags
  • returns: List<String> - list with extracted and compressed tags.


Extracts hash tags from selected fields in an object.

static List<String> extractHashTagsFromValue(dynamic obj, List<String> searchFields)

  • obj: dynamic - object which contains hash tags.
  • searchFields: List<String> - list of fields in the objects where to extract tags
  • returns: List<String> - list of extracted and compressed tags.


Normalizes a tag by replacing special symbols like ‘_’ and ‘#’ with spaces. When tags are normalized, they are presented in similar shape and form.

static String normalizeTag(String tag)

  • tag: String - tag to normalize.
  • returns: String - normalized tag.


Normalizes a comma-separated list of tags.

static List<String> normalizeTagList(String tagList)

  • tagList: String - comma-separated list of tags to normalize.
  • returns: List<String> - list with normalized tags.


Normalizes a list of tags.

static List<String> normalizeTags(List<String> tags)

  • tags: List<String> - tags to normalize.
  • returns: List<String> - list with normalized tags.