
Timer that is triggered in equal time intervals.

Implements: IClosable


The FixerRateTimer class represents a timer that is triggered in equal time intervals.

Important points

  • It has symmetric cross-language implementation and is often used by the Pip.Services toolkit to perform periodic processing and cleanup in microservices.


Creates new instance of the timer and sets its values.

FixedRateTimer([dynamic taskOrCallback, int? interval, int? delay])

  • taskOrCallback: dynamic - (optional) Notifiable object or callback function to call when timer is triggered.
  • interval: int? - (optional) interval to trigger timer in milliseconds.
  • delay: int? - (optional) delay before the first triggering in milliseconds.

Instance methods


Closes the timer.

This is required by the IClosable interface, but besides that it is identical to stop().


Future close(String? correlationId)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.


Gets the callback function that is called when this timer is triggered.

Function()? getCallback()

  • returns: Function()? - callback function or null if it is not set.


Gets an initial delay before the timer is triggered for the first time.

int? getDelay()

  • returns: int? - delay in milliseconds.


Gets a periodic timer triggering interval.

int? getInterval()

  • returns: int? - interval in milliseconds


Gets the INotifiable object that receives notifications from this timer.

INotifiable? getTask()

  • returns: INotifiable? - INotifiable object or null if it is not set.


Sets a new INotifiable object to receive notifications from this timer.

void setTask(INotifiable value)

  • value: INotifiable - INotifiable object to be triggered.


Checks if the timer is started.

bool isStarted()

  • returns: bool - true if the timer is started and false if it is stopped.


Sets the callback function that is called when this timer is triggered.

void setCallback(Function()? value)

  • value: Function()? - callback function to be called.


Sets an initial delay before the timer is triggered for the first time.

void setDelay(int? value)

  • value: int? - delay in milliseconds.


Sets a periodic timer triggering interval.

void setInterval(int? value)

  • value: int? - interval in milliseconds.


Starts the timer.

Initially. the timer is triggered after delay. After that, it is triggered after interval until it is stopped.

void start()


Stops the timer.

void stop()


class MyComponent {
    FixedRateTimer timer  = FixedRateTimer(() { cleanup }, 60000);
    Future open(String? correlationId) {
    Future close(String? correlationId) {
    void cleanup() {

See also