
Basic schema used to validate values against a set of validation rules.


The Schema class provides a basic schema to validate values against a set of validation rules.

Important points

  • This schema is used as a basis for specific schemas to validate objects, project properties, arrays and maps.


Creates a new instance of validation schema and sets its values.

See IValidationRule

Schema([bool? req, List<IValidationRule> rules])

  • required: bool? - (optional) true to always require non-null values.
  • rules: List<IValidationRule> - (optional) list with validation rules.

Instance methods


Gets validation rules to check values against.

List<IValidationRule>? getRules()


Gets a flag that always requires non-null values. For null values, it raises a validation error.

bool isRequired()

  • returns: bool - true to always require non-null values and false to allow null values.


Makes validated values optional. Validation for null values will be skipped. This method returns a reference to this exception to implement the Builder pattern to chain additional calls.

Schema makeOptional()

  • returns: Schema - validation schema


Makes validated values always required (non-null). For null values the schema will raise errors. This method returns a reference to this exception to implement the Builder pattern to chain additional calls.

Schema makeRequired()

  • returns: Schema - validation schema


Validates a given value to match a specified type. The type can be defined as a Schema, type, a type name or TypeCode When type is a Schema, it executes validation recursively against that Schema.

void performTypeValidation(String? path, dynamic type, dynamic value, List<ValidationResult> results)

  • path: String? - dot notation path to the value.
  • type: dynamic - type to match the value type
  • value: dynamic - value to be validated.
  • results: List<ValidationResult> - list with validation results.


Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.

void performValidation(String path, dynamic value, List<ValidationResult> results)

  • path: String - dot notation path to the value.
  • value: dynamic - value to be validated.
  • results: List<ValidationResult> - list with validation results to add new results.


Sets a flag that always requires non-null values.

void setRequired(bool value)

  • value: bool - true to always require non-null values and false to allow null values.


Sets validation rules to check values against.

void setRules(List<IValidationRule> value)


Validates the given value and returns a list with validation results.

See ValidationResult

List<ValidationResult> validate(dynamic value)

  • value: dynamic - value to be validated.
  • returns: List<ValidationResult> - list with validation results.


Validates the given value and returns a ValidationException if errors were found.

ValidationException? validateAndReturnException(String? correlationId, dynamic value, [bool strict = false])

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • value: dynamic - value to be validated.
  • strict: bool - true to treat warnings as errors.
  • returns: ValidationException? - validation exception.


Validates the given value and throws a ValidationException if errors were found.

See ValidationException.throwExceptionIfNeeded

void validateAndThrowException(String? correlationId, dynamic value, [bool strict = false])

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • value: dynamic - value to be validated.
  • strict: bool - true to treat warnings as errors.


Adds a validation rule to this schema. This method returns a reference to this exception to implement the Builder pattern to chain additional calls.

Schema withRule(IValidationRule rule)

See also