
Basic component factory that creates components using registered types and factory functions.

Implements: IFactory


The Factory class allows you to create components using registered types and factory functions.

Instance methods


Checks if this factory is able to create component by a given locator.

This method searches for all registered components and returns a locator for the component it is able to create that matches the given locator. If the factory is not able to create the requested component is returns null.


dynamic canCreate(locator)

  • locator: dynamic - locator to identify component to be created.
  • returns: dynamic - locator for a component that the factory is able to create.


Creates a component identified by given a locator.


dynamic create(locator)

  • locator: dynamic - locator to identify component to be created.
  • returns: dynamic - created component.


Registers a component using a factory method.

void register(locator, factory(locator))

  • locator: dynamic - locator to identify component to be created.
  • factory: dynamic - factory function that receives a locator and returns a created component.


Registers a component using its type (a constructor function).

void registerAsType(locator, type)

  • locator: dynamic - locator to identify component to be created.
  • type: dynamic - component type.


var factory = Factory();
    Descriptor('mygroup', 'mycomponent1', 'default', '*', '1.0'),

    Descriptor('mygroup', 'mycomponent2', 'default', '*', '1.0'),
    (locator) {
        return MyComponent2();

factory.create(Descriptor('mygroup', 'mycomponent1', 'default', 'name1', '1.0'))
factory.create(Descriptor('mygroup', 'mycomponent2', 'default', 'name2', '1.0'))

See also