
Config reader that reads a configuration from a JSON file.

Extends: FileConfigReader


The JsonConfigReader class allows you to create a config reader that reads a configuration from a JSON file.

Important points

  • The reader supports parameterization using the Handlebar template engine.

Configuration parameters

  • path: path to the configuration file
  • parameters: this entire section is used as template parameters


Creates a new instance of the config reader.

JsonConfigReader([String? path])

  • path: String? - (optional) path to the configuration file.

Instance methods


Reads a configuration and parameterizes it with given values.

Future<ConfigParams> readConfig(String? correlationId, ConfigParams parameters)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
  • parameters: ConfigParams - values of the configuration or null to skip parameterization.
  • returns: Future<ConfigParams> - ConfigParams configuration.


Reads a configuration file, parameterizes its content and converts it into a JSON object.


dynamic readObject(String? correlationId, ConfigParams parameters)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • parameters: ConfigParams - values of the configuration parameters.
  • returns: dynamic - a JSON object with configuration.

Static methods


Reads a configuration from a file, parameterizes it with given values and returns a new ConfigParams object.

static ConfigParams readConfig_(String? correlationId, String path, ConfigParams parameters)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • path: String - a path to configuration file.
  • parameters: ConfigParams - values of the configuration parameters.
  • returns: ConfigParams - ConfigParams configuration.


Reads a configuration file, parameterizes its content and converts it into a JSON object.

static dynamic readObject_(String? correlationId, String path, ConfigParams parameters)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through a call chain.
  • path: String - path to the configuration file.
  • parameters: ConfigParams - values of the configuration parameters.
  • returns: dynamic - JSON object with configuration.


{ "key1": "{{KEY1_VALUE}}", "key2": "{{KEY2_VALUE}}" }
var configReader = new JsonConfigReader('config.json');
var parameters = ConfigParams.fromTuples(['KEY1_VALUE', 123, 'KEY2_VALUE', 'ABC']);
var config = await configReader.readConfig('123', parameters)
    // Result: key1=123;key2=ABC

See also