Random shutdown component that crashes a process using various methods.
Implements: IConfigurable, IOpenable
The Shutdown class allows you to create a random shutdown component that crashes a process using various methods.
Important points
- The component is usually used for testing, but it can also be used in production to randomly crash microservices.
- It follows the concept of “Chaos Monkey” popularized by Netflix.
Configuration parameters
- mode: null - crash by NullPointer excepiton, zero - crash by dividing by zero, exception = crash by unhandled exception, exit - exit the process
- min_timeout: minimum crash timeout in milliseconds (default: 5 mins)
- max_timeout: maximum crash timeout in milliseconds (default: 15 minutes)
Instance methods
Closes a component and frees used resources.
Future close(String? correlationId)
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through a call chain.
Configures a component by passing its configuration parameters.
void configure(ConfigParams config)
- config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.
Checks if the component is open.
bool isOpen()
- returns: bool - true if the component is open and false otherwise.
Opens the component.
Future open(String? correlationId)
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
Crashes the process using the configured crash mode.
void shutdown()
var shutdown = Shutdown();
"mode": "exception"
shutdown.shutdown(); // Result: Bang!!! the process crashes