
Represents a token.


The Token class represents a token. A token represents a logical chunk of a string. For example, a typical tokenizer would break the string “1.23 <= 12.3” into three tokens: the number 1.23, a less-than-or-equal symbol, and the number 12.3. A token is a receptacle, and relies on a tokenizer to decide precisely how to divide a string into tokens.


Constructs a token with a type and value.

Token(TokenType type, String? value, int line, int column)

  • type: TokenType - type of this token.
  • value: String? - token string value.
  • line: int - line number where the token is.
  • column: int - column number where the token is.



Column number where the token is.

int get column

  • returns: int - column number.


Line number where the token is.

int get line

  • returns: int - line number.


Token type.

TokenType get type


Token value.

String? get value

  • returns: String? - token value.

Instance methods


Compares this token to an object.

bool equals(dynamic obj)

  • obj: dynamic - compared object
  • returns: bool - true if the type and value are the same, false otherwise.