
Abstract persistence component that stores data in MongoDB using the official MongoDB driver.

Implements: IReferenceable, IUnreferenceable, IConfigurable, IOpenable, ICleanable


The MongoDbPersistence class allows you to create persistence components that store data in MongoDB databases using the official MongoDB driver.

Important points

  • This is the most basic persistence component that is only able to store data items of any type.
  • Specific CRUD operations over the data items must be implemented in child classes by accessing the _collection property.

Configuration parameters

  • collection: (optional) MongoDB collection name


  • discovery_key: (optional) key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
  • host: host name or IP address
  • port: port number (default: 27017)
  • uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it


  • store_key: (optional) key to retrieve the credentials from ICredentialStore
  • username: (optional) username
  • password: (optional) user’s password


  • max_pool_size: (optional) maximum connection pool size (default: 2)
  • keep_alive: (optional) enable connection keep alive (default: true)
  • connect_timeout: (optional) connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 5000)
  • socket_timeout: (optional) socket timeout in milliseconds (default: 360000)
  • auto_reconnect: (optional) enable auto reconnection (default: true)
  • reconnect_interval: (optional) reconnection interval in milliseconds (default: 1000)
  • max_page_size: (optional) maximum page size (default: 100)
  • replica_set: (optional) name of replica set
  • ssl: (optional) enable SSL connection (default: false)
  • auth_source: (optional) authentication source
  • debug: (optional) enable debug output (default: false).


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
  • *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services
  • *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) credential stores to resolve credentials


Creates a new instance of the persistence component.

MongoDbPersistence([String? collection])

  • collection: String? - (optional) collection name.



The dependency resolver.

dependencyResolver: DependencyResolver



logger: CompositeLogger


MongoDB connection component.

connection: MongoDBConnection?


MongoDB colleciton name.

collectionName: String?


MongoDb collection object.

collection: mongo.DbCollection?


MongoDB connection pool object.

client: mongo.Db?


MongoDB database name.

databaseName: String?


Maximum number of records to return from the database per request.

maxPageSize: int = 100

Instance methods


Clears a component’s state.


Future clear(String? correlationId)

  • correlationId: String? - object to convert from the public partial format.


Closes the component and frees used resources.


Future close(String? correlationId)

  • correlationId: String? - object to convert from the public partial format.


Closes the component and frees used resources.

@override void configure(ConfigParams config)

  • config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.


Converts an object value from public to internal format.

Map<String, dynamic>? convertFromPublic(dynamic item, {bool createUid = false})

  • value: dynamic - object in public format to convert.
  • createUid: bool - autocreation flag Uid
  • returns: Map<String, dynamic>? - converted object in internal format.


Converts the given object from the public partial format.

Map<String, dynamic>? convertFromPublicPartial(Map<String, dynamic>? item)

  • item: Map<String, dynamic>? - the object to convert from the public partial format.
  • returns: Map<String, dynamic>? - the initial object.


Converts and object value from internal to public format.

dynamic convertToPublic(Map<String, dynamic>? item)

  • value: dynamic - object in internal format to convert.
  • returns: Map<String, dynamic>? - converted object in public format.


Creates a data item.

Future<T?> create(String? correlationId, T? item)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • item: T? - item to be created.
  • returns: Future<T?> - created item


This method shall be called by a public deleteByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

Future deleteByFilterEx(String? correlationId, Map<String, dynamic> filter)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • filter: Map<String, dynamic> - (optional) filter function used to filter items.


Adds index definition to create it on opening.

void ensureIndex(keys, {String key, bool unique = false, bool sparse = false, bool background = false, bool dropDups = false, Map<String, dynamic> partialFilterExpression, String name})

  • keys: dynamic - index keys (fields)
  • key: String - index options
  • unique: bool - TODO: add description
  • sparse: bool - TODO: add description
  • background: bool - TODO: add description
  • dropDups: bool - TODO: add description
  • partialFilterExpression: Map<String, dynamic> - TODO: add description
  • name: String - TODO: add description


Gets a number of data items retrieved by a given filter.

This method shall be called by a public getCountByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

Future<int> getCountByFilterEx(String? correlationId, Map<String, dynamic>? filter)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id usedto trace execution through the call chain.
  • filter: Map<String, dynamic>? - (optional) filter JSON object
  • returns: Future<int> - number of filtered items.


Gets a list of data items retrieved by a given filter and sorted according to sort parameters.

This method shall be called by a public getListByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

Future<List<T>> getListByFilterEx(String? correlationId, Map<String, dynamic>? filter, Map<String, dynamic>? sort)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • filter: Map<String, dynamic>? - (optional) filter function used to filter items
  • sort: Map<String, dynamic>? - (optional) sorting parameters
  • returns: Future<List<T>> - data list of results by filter.


Gets a random item from items that match to a given filter.

This method shall be called by a public getOneRandom method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

Future<T?> getOneRandom(String? correlationId, Map<String, dynamic> filter)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • filter: Map<String, dynamic> - fileter JSON object.
  • returns: Future<T?> - random item.


Gets a page of data items retrieved by a given filter and sorted according to sort parameters.

This method shall be called by a public getPageByFilter method from the child class that receives FilterParams and converts them into a filter function.

Future<DataPage<T>> getPageByFilterEx(String? correlationId, Map<String, dynamic> filter, PagingParams paging, Map<String, dynamic> sort)

  • correlationId: String? - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • filter: Map<String, dynamic> - (optional) filter JSON object
  • paging: PagingParams - (optional) paging parameters
  • sort: Map<String, dynamic> - (optional) sorting JSON object
  • returns: Future<DataPage<T>> - data page obtained by filtering


class MyMongoDbPersistence extends MongoDbPersistence<MyData> {

  Future<MyData> getByName(String? correlationId, String name) {
      var filter = {'name': name};
      var query = mngquery.SelectorBuilder();
      var selector = <String, dynamic>{};
      selector[r'$query'] = filter;
      var item = await collection.findOne(filter);
      if (item == null) {
        return null;
      item = convertToPublic(item);
      var instance = MyData.fromJson(item);
      return instance;

  Future<MyData> set(String correlatonId, MyData item) {
    if (item == null) {
      return null;
    var jsonMap = json.decode(json.encode(item));
    // Assign unique id
    if (jsonMap['id'] == null) {
      jsonMap['id'] = IdGenerator.nextLong();
    var filter = {r'$query': {'name': jsonMap['name']}};
    var result = await collection.findAndModify(
        query: filter, update: jsonMap, returnNew: true, upsert: true);
    if (result != null) {
        var newItem = MyData.fromJson(result);;
        return newItem;
    return null;

var persistence = MyMongoDbPersistence();
    'host', 'localhost',
    'port', 27017

await persistence.set('123', { name: 'ABC' });
var item = await persistence.getByName('123', 'ABC');
print(item);         // Result: { name: 'ABC' }