
Implements a command wrapped by an interceptor.


The InterceptedCommand allows you to implement a command wrapped by an interceptor. Thus, it allows you to build command call chains, where the interceptor can alter execution and delegate calls to a next command, which can then be intercepted or not.



Creates a new InterceptedCommand, which serves as a link in an execution chain. Contains information about the interceptor that is being used and the next command in the chain.

NewInterceptedCommand(interceptor ICommandInterceptor, next ICommand) *InterceptedCommand

  • interceptor: ICommandInterceptor - interceptor that is intercepting the command.
  • next: ICommand - (link to) the next command in the command’s execution chain.



Executes the next command in the execution chain using the given parameters (arguments).
See Parameters

(c *InterceptedCommand) Execute(ctx context.Context, correlationId string, args *run.Parameters) (result any, err error)

  • ctx: context.Context - operation context.
  • correlationId: string - unique transaction id used to trace calls across components.
  • args: *run.Parameters - parameters (arguments) to pass to the command for execution.
  • returns: (result interface{}, err error) - execution result


Returns string the name of the command that is being intercepted.

(c *InterceptedCommand) Name() string

  • returns: string - name of the command that is being intercepted.


Validates the parameters (arguments) that are to be passed to the command that is next in the execution chain.
See Parameters, ValidationResult

(c *InterceptedCommand) Validate(args *run.Parameters) []*validate.ValidationResult


type CommandLogger struct {
	msg string
func (cl * CommandLogger) Name(command ICommand) string {
	return command.Name();
func (cl * CommandLogger) Execute(correlationId string, command ICommand, args Parameters) (res any, err error){
	fmt.Println("Executed command " + command.Name());
	return command.Execute(correlationId, args);
func (cl * CommandLogger) Validate(command ICommand, args Parameters) []*ValidationResult {
	return command.Validate(args);
logger := CommandLogger{mgs:"CommandLogger"};
loggedCommand = NewInterceptedCommand(logger, command);
// Each called command will output: Executed command <command name>
// Each called command will output: Executed command <command name>

See also