
This package contains “soft” data converters. Soft data converters differ from the data conversion algorithms found in typical programming languages, due to the fact that they support rare conversions between various data types (such as integer to timespan, timespan to string, and so on). These converters are useful due to the fact that data in enterprise systems is represented in various forms, requiring frequent conversions and at times in very difficult combinations.



Codes for the data types that can be converted using TypeConverter.



Converts arbitrary values into array objects.


Converts arbitrary values to boolean values using extended conversion rules:

  • Numbers: <>0 are true, =0 are false
  • Strings: “true”, “yes”, “T”, “Y”, “1” are true; “false”, “no”, “F”, “N” are false
  • DateTime: <>0 total milliseconds are true, =0 are false


Converts arbitrary values into Date values using extended conversion rules:

  • Strings: converted using ISO time format
  • Numbers: converted using milliseconds since unix epoch


Converts arbitrary values into double using extended conversion rules:

  • Strings are converted to double values
  • DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoch
  • Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false


Converts arbitrary values into float using extended conversion rules:

  • Strings are converted to float values
  • DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoch
  • Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false


Converts arbitrary values into integers using extended conversion rules:

  • Strings are converted to floats, then to integers
  • DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoch
  • Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false


Converts arbitrary values into longs using extended conversion rules:

  • Strings are converted to floats, then to longs
  • DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoch
  • Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false


Converts arbitrary values into map objects using extended conversion rules:

  • Objects: property names as keys, property values as values
  • Arrays: element indexes as keys, elements as values


Converts arbitrary values into map objects using extended conversion rules. This class is similar to MapConverter, but it recursively converts all values stored in objects and arrays.


Converts arbitrary values into strings using extended conversion rules:

  • Numbers: are converted with ‘.’ as decimal point
  • DateTime: using ISO format
  • Boolean: “true” for true and “false” for false
  • Arrays: as comma-separated list
  • Other objects: using ToString() method


Converts arbitrary values into objects specified by TypeCodes. For each TypeCode this class calls the corresponding converter which applies extended conversion rules to convert the values.