
The StringConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values into strings.


The StringConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values into strings using the following extended conversion rules:

  • Numbers: are converted with ‘.’ as decimal point
  • DateTime: using ISO format
  • Boolean: “true” for true and “false” for false
  • Arrays: as comma-separated list
  • Other objects: using ToString() method



Converts a value into a string or returns nil when the value is nil.

ToNullableString(value any) (string, bool)

  • value: any - value to convert.
  • returns: (string, bool) - string value and true or "" and false when value is null.


Converts a value into a string or returns "" when the value is nil.

ToString(value any) string

  • value: any - value to convert.
  • returns: string - string value or "" when value is nil.


Converts a value into a string or returns a default value when the value is nil.

ToStringWithDefault(value any, defaultValue string) string

  • value: any - value to convert.
  • defaultValue: string - default value.
  • returns: string - string value or default value when value is nil.


value1, ok1 = convert.StringConverter.ToString(123.456)
value2, ok2 = convert.StringConverter.ToString(true)
value3, ok3 = convert.StringConverter.ToString(time.Now())
value4, ok4 = convert.StringConverter.ToString([...]int{1, 2, 3})
fmt.Println(value1, ok1) // 123.456, true
fmt.Println(value2, ok2) // true, true
fmt.Println(value3, ok3) // 2019-08-20T23:54:47+03:00, true
fmt.Println(value4, ok4) // 1,2,3, true