
The TypeConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values into objects specified by a code type and to get the code type of an object.

See also TypeCode


The TypeConverter class allows you to convert arbitrary values into objects specified by a code type and to get the code type of an object. The code types are defined in the TypeCode class.



Converts a value into an object type specified by TypeCode or returns nil when the conversion is not possible.

ToNullableType(typ TypeCode, value any) any

  • typ: TypeCode - TypeCode for the data type into which ‘value’ is to be converted.
  • value: any - value to convert.
  • returns: any - object value of type corresponding to TypeCode, or nil when the conversion is not supported.


Converts a TypeCode into its string name.

ToString(typ TypeCode) string

  • typ: TypeCode - TypeCode to convert into a string.
  • returns: string - name of the TypeCode passed as a string value.


Converts a value into an object type specified by TypeCode or returns type default when the conversion is not possible.

ToType(typ TypeCode, value any) any

  • typ: TypeCode - value to convert.
  • value: any - value to convert.
  • returns: any - object value of type corresponding to TypeCode, or type default when the conversion is not supported.


Gets the TypeCode for a specific value.

ToTypeCode(value any) TypeCode

  • value: any - value whose TypeCode is to be resolved.
  • returns: TypeCode - TypeCode that corresponds to the passed object’s type.


Converts a value into an object type specified by TypeCode or returns default value when conversion is not possible.

ToTypeWithDefault(typ TypeCode, value any, defaultValue any) any

  • type: TypeCode - TypeCode for the data type into which ‘value’ is to be converted.
  • value: any - value to convert.
  • defaultValue: any - default value to return if conversion is not possible (returns nil).
  • returns: any - object value of type corresponding to TypeCode, or default value when conversion is not supported.


value1 := convert.TypeConverter.ToType(convert.Integer, "123.456")
value2 := convert.TypeConverter.ToType(convert.DateTime, 123)
value3 := convert.TypeConverter.ToType(convert.Boolean, "F")
fmt.Println(value1) // 123
fmt.Println(value2) // 1970-01-01 02:02:03 +0200 EET
fmt.Println(value3) // false

See also