
Schema to validate user defined objects.

Implements: Schema


The ObjectSchema class allows you to create a validation schema that can be used to validate user defined objects.



Creates a new validation schema and sets its values. See IValidationRule

NewObjectSchemaWithRules(allowUndefined bool, required bool, rules []IValidationRule) *ObjectSchema

  • allowUndefined: bool - true to allow properties undefines in the schema
  • required: bool - (optional) true to always require non-nil values.
  • rules: []IValidationRule - (optional) list with validation rules.


Creates a new validation schema and sets its values.

NewObjectSchema() *ObjectSchema



Sets a flag to allow for nil properties This method returns a reference to this exception to implement the Builder pattern to chain additional calls.

(c *ObjectSchema) AllowUndefined(value bool) *ObjectSchema

  • value: bool - true to allow nil properties and false otherwise.
  • returns: ObjectSchema - validation schema.


Gets validation schemas for object properties. See PropertySchema

(c *ObjectSchema) Properties() []*PropertySchema


Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.

(c *ObjectSchema) PerformValidation(path string, value interface{}) []*ValidationResult

  • path: string - dot notation path to the value.
  • value: interface{} - value to be validated.
  • results: []*ValidationResult - list with validation results to add new results.


Sets a flag to allow for nil properties

(c [*ObjectSchema]) SetUndefinedAllowed(value bool)

  • value: bool - true to allow for nil properties and false otherwise.


Sets validation schemas for object properties. See PropertySchema

(c *ObjectSchema) SetProperties(value []*PropertySchema)


Gets a flag to allow for nil properties

(c *ObjectSchema) UndefinedAllowed() bool

  • returns: bool - true to allow for nil properties and false otherwise.


Adds a validation schema for an optional object property.

(c *ObjectSchema) WithOptionalProperty(name string, typ interface{}, rules …IValidationRule) *ObjectSchema

  • name: string - property name.
  • typ: interface{} - (optional) property schema or type.
  • rules: …IValidationRule - (optional) list of property validation rules.
  • returns: *ObjectSchema - returns Schema with added optional property


Adds a validation schema for an object property. This method returns a reference to this exception to implement the Builder pattern to chain additional calls. See PropertySchema

(c *ObjectSchema) WithProperty(schema *PropertySchema) *ObjectSchema


Adds a validation schema for a required object property.

(c *ObjectSchema) WithRequiredProperty(name string, typ interface{}, rules …IValidationRule) *ObjectSchema

  • name: string - property name.
  • typ: interface{} - (optional) property schema or type.
  • rules: …IValidationRule[] - (optional) list of property validation rules.
  • returns: ObjectSchema - validation schema


schema.Validate(struct {
	id   string
	name string
}{id: "1", name: "ABC"}) // Result: no errors

schema.Validate(struct {
	id   string
	name string
}{name: "ABC"}) // Result: no errors

schema.Validate(struct {
	id   int
	name string
}{id: 1, name: "ABC"}) // Result: id type mismatch

schema.Validate(struct {
	id    int
	_name string
}{id: 1, _name: "ABC"}) // Result: name is missing, unexpected_name
