
Errors in schema validation.


The ValidationException class is used to define errors in a schema validation.

Important points

  • Validation errors are usually generated based in ValidationResult.
  • If using strict mode, warnings will also raise validation exceptions.



Creates a new instance of validation exception and assigns its values.

NewValidationError(correlationId string, message string, results []*ValidationResult) *errors.ApplicationError

  • correlationId: string - (optional) unique transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • message: string - (optional) human-readable description of the error.
  • results: []*ValidationResult - (optional) list of validation results


Creates a new ValidationError based on errors in validation results. If validation results have no errors, then nil is returned.

NewValidationErrorFromResults(correlationId string, results []*ValidationResult, strict bool) *errors.ApplicationError

  • correlationId: string - transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • results: []*ValidationResult - list of validation results that may contain errors
  • strict: bool - true to treat warnings as errors.



Composes human readable error message based on validation results.

composeErrorMessage(results []*ValidationResult) string

  • results: []*ValidationResult - list of validation results.
  • returns: string - composed error message.


Throws ValidationException based on errors in validation results. If validation results have no errors, then no exception is thrown.

ThrowValidationErrorIfNeeded(correlationId string, results []*ValidationResult, strict bool)

  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • results: ValidationResult[] - list of validation results that may contain errors
  • strict: bool - true to treat warnings as errors.

See also