
Abstract persistence component that stores data in flat files and caches them in memory.

Implements: MemoryPersistence


The FilePersistence class allows you to create persistence components that store data in flat files and chache them in memory.

Important points

  • This is the most basic persistence component that is only able to store data items of any type.
  • Specific CRUD operations over the data items must be implemented in child classes by accessing the self._items property and calling the save method.

Configuration parameters

  • path: path to the file where data is stored


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages



Creates a new instance of the file persistence component. T data.ICloneable[T] any type that implemented ICloneable interface of getting element.

NewFilePersistence[T data.ICloneable[T]](persister *JsonFilePersister) *FilePersistence[T]

  • persister: *JsonFilePersister - (optional) persister component that loads and saves data from/to a flat file.



JSON file persister.

Persister: *JsonFilePersister



Configures the component by passing its configuration parameters.

(c *FilePersistence[T]) Configure(ctx context.Context, conf *config.ConfigParams)

  • ctx: context.Context - operation context.
  • config: *config.ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.


type MyJsonFilePersistence struct {

func NewMyJsonFilePersistence(path string) *MyJsonFilePersistence {
	return &MyJsonFilePersistence{
		FilePersistence: NewFilePersistence(NewJsonFilePersister[*MyData](path)),

func (c *MyJsonFilePersistence) GetByName(ctx context.Context, correlationId string,
	name string) (*MyData, error) {
	for _, v := range c.Items {
		if v.Name == name {
			return v, nil

	var defaultValue *MyData
	return defaultValue, nil

func (c *MyData) Clone() *MyData {
	return &MyData{Id: c.Id, Name: c.Name}

type MyData struct {
	Id   string
	Name string

See also