Abstract persistence component that stores data in flat files and implements a number of CRUD operations over data items with unique ids.
Implements: IdentifiableMemoryPersistence
The IdentifiableFilePersistence class allows you to create persistence components that store data in flat files and implement a number of CRUD operations over data items with unique ids.
Important points
- The data items must implement the IIdentifiable interface.
- In basic scenarios child classes shall only override GetPageByFilter, GetListByFilter or DeleteByFilter operations with a specific filter function. All other operations can be used out of the box.
- In complex scenarios child classes can implement additional operations by accessing cached items via the self._items property and calling the Save method on updates.
Configuration parameters
path: path to the file where data is stored
- max_page_size: maximum number of items returned in a single page (default: 100)
- *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) (../../../components/log/ilogger) components to pass log messages
Creates a new instance of the persistence.
NewIdentifiableFilePersistence[T any, K any](persister *JsonFilePersister) *IdentifiableMemoryPersistence
- T: IIdentifiable[K] - any type that implemented IIdentifiable[K] interface of getting element
- K: any - type if id (key)
- persister: *JsonFilePersister - (optional) a persister component that loads and saves data from/to flat file.
Configures component by passing configuration parameters.
(c *IdentifiableFilePersistence) Configure(ctx context.Context, config *config.ConfigParams)
- ctx: context.Context - operation context.
- config: *config.ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.
type MyFilePersistence struct {
*IdentifiableFilePersistence[*MyData, string]
func NewMyFilePersistence(path string) (mfp *MyFilePersistence) {
mfp = &MyFilePersistence{}
mfp.IdentifiableFilePersistence = NewIdentifiableFilePersistence[*MyData, string](NewJsonFilePersister[*MyData](path))
return mfp
func (c *MyFilePersistence) composeFilter(filter cdata.FilterParams) func(item *MyData) bool {
if &filter == nil {
filter = NewFilterParams()
name, _ := filter.GetAsNullableString("name")
return func(item *MyData) bool {
if name != "" && item.Name != name {
return false
return true
func (c *MyFilePersistence) GetPageByFilter(ctx context.Context, correlationId string,
filter FilterParams, paging PagingParams) (page cdata.DataPage[MyData], err error) {
return c.GetPageByFilter(correlationId, c.composeFilter(filter), paging, nil, nil)
func (c *MyData) Clone() *MyData {
return &MyData{Id: c.Id, Name: c.Name}
type MyData struct {
Id string
Name string
persistence := NewMyFilePersistence("./data/data.json")
_, err := persistence.Create(context.Background(), "123", &MyData{Id: "1", Name: "ABC"})
if err != nil {
page, err := persistence.GetPageByFilter(context.Background(), "123", *NewFilterParamsFromTuples("Name", "ABC"), nil)
if err != nil {
data := page.Data
fmt.Println(data) // Result: { Id: "1", Name: "ABC" )