Expressions module

Provides syntax and lexical analyzers, and an expression calculator optimized for repeated calculations.


The module contains the following packages:

  • Calculator - expression calculator
  • CSV - CSV tokenizer
  • IO - input/output utility classes to support lexical analysis
  • Mustache - Mustache templating engine
  • Tokenizers - lexical analyzers to break incoming character streams into tokens
  • Variants - dynamic objects that can hold any values and operators for them


Get the package from the Github repository:

go get -u

The example below shows how to use expression calculator to dynamically calculate user-defined expressions.

import (

    calc ""
    vars ""
    variants ""

calculator := calc.NewExpressionCalculator()

calculator.SetExpression("A + b / (3 - Max(-123, 1)*2)")

variables := vars.NewVariableCollection()
variables.Add(vars.NewVariable("A", variants.NewVariantFromInteger(1)))
variables.Add(vars.NewVariable("B", variants.NewVariantFromString("3")))

result, err := calculator.EvaluateWithVariables(variables)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Failed to calculate the expression")
} else {
    fmt.Println("The result of the expression is " + result.AsString())

This is an example to process mustache templates.

import (

    mustache ""

template := mustache.NewMustacheTemplate()
template.SetTemplate("Hello, {{{NAME}}}{{#ESCLAMATION}}!{{/ESCLAMATION}}{{#unless ESCLAMATION}}.{{/unless}}")
result, err := template.EvaluateWithVariables(map[string]string{ "NAME": "Mike", "ESCLAMATION": "true" })
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Failed to evaluate mustache template")
} else {
    fmt.Println("The result of template evaluation is '" + result + "'")