
Message queue that sends and receives messages via a NATS message broker.

Extends: NatsAbstractMessageQueue


The NatsBareMessageQueue class allows you to create message queues that send and receive messages via a NATS message broker.

Configuration parameters

  • subject: name of NATS topic (subject) to subscribe
  • queue_group: name of NATS queue group
  • connection(s):
    • discovery_key: (optional) key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
    • host: host name or IP address
    • port: port number
    • uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
  • credential(s):
    • store_key: (optional) key to retrieve the credentials from ICredentialStore
    • username: username
    • password: user’s password
  • options:
    • serialize_message: (optional) true to serialize the entire message as JSON, false to only send the message payload (default: true)
    • retry_connect: (optional) turns on/off automated reconnect when the connection is lost (default: true)
    • max_reconnect: (optional) maximum number of reconnection attempts (default: 3)
    • reconnect_timeout: (optional) number of milliseconds to wait on each reconnection attempt (default: 3000)
    • flush_timeout: (optional) number of milliseconds to wait on flushing messages (default: 3000)


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
  • *:counters:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
  • *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services
  • *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ICredentialStore to resolve credentials
  • *:connection:nats:*:1.0 - (optional) Shared connection to NATS service



Creates a new instance of the message queue.

NewNatsBareMessageQueue(name string) *NatsBareMessageQueue

  • name: string - (optional) queue name.



Ends listening for incoming messages. When this method is called, Listen unblocks the thread and execution continues.

(c [*NatsBareMessageQueue[T]]) EndListen(ctx context.Context, correlationId string)

  • ctx: context.Context - operation context.
  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.


Listens for incoming messages and blocks the current thread until the queue is closed.

See IMessageReceiver

(c [*NatsBareMessageQueue[T]]) Listen(ctx context.Context, correlationId string, receiver IMessageReceiver) error

  • ctx: context.Context - operation context.
  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • receiver: IMessageReceiver - receiver used to receive incoming messages.
  • returns: error - error or nil if no errors occurred.


Peeks a single incoming message from the queue without removing it. If there are no messages available in the queue, it returns nil.

(c [*NatsBareMessageQueue[T]]) Peek(ctx context.Context, correlationId string) (*MessageEnvelope, error)

  • ctx: context.Context - operation context.
  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • returns: (*MessageEnvelope, error) - peeked message.


Peeks multiple incoming messages from the queue without removing them. If there are no messages available in the queue, it returns an empty list.

  • Important: This method is not supported by NATS.

(c [*NatsBareMessageQueue[T]]) PeekBatch(ctx context.Context, correlationId string, messageCount int64) ([]*MessageEnvelope, error)

  • ctx: context.Context - operation context.
  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • messageCount: int64 - maximum number of messages to peek.
  • returns: ([]*MessageEnvelope, error) - list with peeked messages.


Receives an incoming message and removes it from the queue.

(c [*NatsBareMessageQueue[T]]) Receive(ctx context.Context, correlationId string, waitTimeout time.Duration) (*MessageEnvelope, error)

  • ctx: context.Context - operation context.
  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • waitTimeout: time.Duration - timeout in milliseconds to wait for a message to come.
  • returns: (*MessageEnvelope, error) - received message or nil if nothing was received.


ctx := context.Background()
queue := NewNatsBareMessageQueue("myqueue")
queue.Configure(ctx, cconf.NewConfigParamsFromTuples(
	"subject", "mytopic",
	"queue_group", "mygroup",
	"connection.protocol", "nats"
	"", "localhost"
	"connection.port", 1883,

_ = queue.Open(ctx, "123")

_ = queue.Send(ctx, "123", NewMessageEnvelope("", "mymessage", "ABC"))

message, err := queue.Receive(ctx, "123", 10000*time.Milliseconds)
if (message != nil) {
	queue.Complete(ctx, message);

See also