Commons module

Provides a set of tools used in microservices or backend services, and it is designed to facilitate symmetric implementation accross different programming languages.


The module contains the following packages:

  • Commands - commands and events
  • Config - component configuration
  • Convert - portable value converters
  • Data - data patterns
  • Errors - application errors
  • Random - random data generators
  • Refer - component dependencies (Based on the inversion of control (IoC) pattern)
  • Reflect - portable reflection utilities
  • Run - component life-cycle management
  • Validate - validation rules


Install the dotnet package as

dotnet add package PipServices4.Commons

Then, you are ready to start using the Pip.Services patterns to augment your backend code.

For instance, here below is an example on how you can implement a component that receives configuration, gets assigned references, and can be opened and closed using the patterns from this module.

using PipServices3.Commons;
using PipServices3.Commons.Config;
using PipServices3.Commons.Refer;
using PipServices3.Commons.Run;

public class MyComponentA : IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IOpenable
    private string _param1 = "ABC";
    private int _param2 = 123;
    private MyComponentB _anotherComponent;
    private bool _opened = true;

    public void Configure(ConfigParams config)
        this._param1 = config.GetAsStringWithDefault("param1", this._param1);
        this._param2 = config.GetAsIntegerWithDefault("param2", this._param2);

    public void SetReferences(IReferences references)
        this._anotherComponent = references.GetOneRequired<MyComponentB>(
            new Descriptor("myservice", "mycomponent-b", "*", "*", "1.0")

    public bool IsOpen()
        return this._opened;

    public Task OpenAsync(string correlationId)
        Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
            this._opened = true;
            Console.WriteLine("MyComponentA has been opened .");

        return task;   

    public Task CloseAsync(string correlationId)
        Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            this._opened = true;
            Console.WriteLine("MyComponentA has been closed.");

        return task;        

Then, here is how the component can be used in the code:

using PipServices3.Commons.Config;
using PipServices3.Commons.Refer;

MyComponentA myComponentA = new MyComponentA();

// Configure the component
    "param1", "XYZ",
    "param2", "987"

// Set references to the component
    new Descriptor("myservice", "mycomponent-b", "default", "default", "1.0"), myComponentB

// Open the component