
Schema to validate user defined objects.

Inherits: Schema


The ObjectSchema class allows you to create a validation schema that can be used to validate user defined objects.


Creates a new validation schema. See IValidationRule

public ObjectSchema()



Gets and sets a flag to allow undefined properties. True to allow undefined properties and false to disallow.

public bool IsUndefinedAllowed { get; set; }


Gets and sets validation schemas for object properties. See PropertySchema

public List<PropertySchema> Properties [get, set]

Instance methods


Sets a flag to allow undefined properties. This method returns a reference to this exception to implement the Builder pattern to chain additional calls.

public ObjectSchema AllowUndefined(bool value)

  • value: bool - true to allow undefined properties and false to disallow.
  • returns: ObjectSchema - validation schema.


Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.

protected internal override void PerformValidation(string path, object value, List<ValidationResult> results)

  • path: string - dot notation path to the value.
  • value: object - value to be validated.
  • results: List<ValidationResult> - list with validation results to add new results.


Adds a validation schema for an optional object property.

public ObjectSchema WithOptionalProperty(string name, object type, params IValidationRule[] rules)

  • name: string - property name.
  • type: object - (optional) property schema or type.
  • rules: IValidationRule[] - (optional) list of property validation rules.
  • returns: ObjectSchema - returns Schema with added optional property


Adds a validation schema for an object property. This method returns a reference to this exception to implement the Builder pattern to chain additional calls. See PropertySchema

public ObjectSchema WithProperty(PropertySchema schema)


Adds a validation schema for a required object property.

public ObjectSchema WithRequiredProperty(string name, object type, params IValidationRule[] rules)

  • name: string - property name.
  • type: object - (optional) property schema or type.
  • rules: IValidationRule[] - (optional) list of property validation rules.
  • returns: ObjectSchema - validation schema


var schema = new ObjectSchema().WithOptionalProperty("id", TypeCode.String)
                               .WithRequiredProperty("name", TypeCode.String);

schema.Validate({ id: "1", name: "ABC" });       // Result: no errors
schema.Validate({ name: "ABC" });                // Result: no errors
schema.Validate({ id: 1, name: "ABC" });         // Result: id type mismatch
schema.Validate({ id: 1, _name: "ABC" });        // Result: name is missing, unexpected _name
schema.Validate("ABC");                          // Result: type mismatch