
Basic component factory that creates components using registered types and factory functions.

Inherits: IFactory


The Factory class allows you to create components using registered types and factory functions.

Instance methods


Checks if this factory is able to create component by a given locator.

This method searches for all registered components and returns a locator for the component it is able to create that matches the given locator. If the factory is not able to create the requested component is returns null.

public object CanCreate(object locator)

  • locator: object - a locator to identify component to be created.
  • returns: object - a locator for a component that the factory is able to create.


Creates a component identified by given a locator.

public object Create(object locator)

  • locator: object - locator to identify component to be created.
  • returns: object - created component.


Registers a component using a factory method.

public void Register(object locator, Func<object, object> factory)

  • locator: object - locator to identify component to be created.
  • factory: Func<object, object> - factory function that receives a locator and returns a created component.


Registers a component using its type (a constructor function).

public void RegisterAsType(object locator, Type type)

  • locator: object - locator to identify component to be created.
  • type: Type - component type.


Factory factory = new Factory();

    new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent1", "default", "*", "1.0"),

    new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent2", "default", "*", "1.0"),
    (locator) => {return new MyComponent2();

factory.Create(new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent1", "default", "name1", "1.0"))
factory.Create(new Descriptor("mygroup", "mycomponent2", "default", "name2", "1.0"))

See also