
Abstract lock that implements the default lock acquisition routine.

Inherits: ILock, IReconfigurable


The Lock class represents an abstract lock that implements the defaul lock acquisition routine.

Configuration parameters


  • retry_timeout: timeout in milliseconds to retry lock acquisition. (Default: 100)

Instance methods


Makes multiple attempts to acquire a lock by its key within a given time interval.

public void AcquireLock(string correlationId, string key, long ttl, long timeout)

  • correlationId: string -(optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • key: string - unique lock key to acquire.
  • ttl: long - lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.
  • timeout: long - lock acquisition timeout.


Configures a component by passing its configuration parameters.

public virual void Configure(ConfigParams config)

  • config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.

Abstract methods


Releases a prevously acquired lock by its key.

public abstract void ReleaseLock(string correlationId, string key)

  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • key: string - unique lock key to release.


Makes a single attempt to acquire a lock by its key. It returns immediately a positive or negative result.

public abstract bool TryAcquireLock(string correlationId, string key, long ttl)

  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • key: string - unique lock key to acquire.
  • ttl: long - lock timeout (time to live) in milliseconds.
  • returns: bool - lock result

See also