
Implements a reader of CSV streams.


The CsvReader class allows you to create a reader of CSV streams.


Constructs this object with text reader.

public CsvReader(TextReader reader, char[] fieldSeparators, char[] quoteSymbols, string endOfLine)

  • reader: TextReader - text reader to read the CSV data.
  • fieldSeparators: char[] - separators for fields in CSV stream.
  • quoteSymbols: char[] - characters to quote strings.
  • endOfLine: end of line.

Constructs this object with string buffer.

public CsvReader(TextReader reader, char[] fieldSeparators, char[] quoteSymbols)

  • reader: TextReader - text reader to read the CSV data.
  • fieldSeparators: char[] - separators for fields in CSV stream.
  • quoteSymbols: char[] - characters to quote strings.

Constructs this object with string buffer.

public CsvReader(string buffer, char[] fieldSeparators, char[] quoteSymbols)

  • buffer: string - text reader to read the CSV data.
  • fieldSeparators: char[] - separators for fields in a CSV stream.
  • quoteSymbols: char[] - characters to quote strings.

Constructs this object with string buffer.

public CsvReader(string buffer, char[] fieldSeparators, char[] quoteSymbols, string endOfLine)

  • reader: string - text reader to read the CSV data.
  • fieldSeparators: char[] - separators for fields in a CSV stream.
  • quoteSymbols: char[] - characters to quote strings.
  • endOfLine: string - end of line



Separator for rows in CSV stream. Default is “\r\n”.

public string EndOfLine { get; }


Flag that shows end of CSV stream.

public bool Eof { get; }


Flag that shows enf of line in CSV stream;

public bool Eol { get; }


Separators for fields in CSV stream. Default is comma (,).

public char[] FieldSeparators { get; }


Characters to quote strings in CSV streams. Default is double quote (").

public char[] QuoteSymbols { get; }

Instance methods


Reads the next field from the CSV stream and sets EOL and OEF flags. It returns String.Empty for null string or in a case of EOF.

public string ReadField()

  • returns: string - returns String.Empty for null string or in a case of EOF.


It skips one line

public void SkipLine()