
Defines reader with the ability to push back characters.


The IPushbackReader class allows you to create a reader that has the ability to push back characters.

Important points

  • This reader is used by tokenizers to process input streams.

Instance methods


Returns the character from the top of the stream without moving the stream pointer.

char Peek()

  • returns: char - character from the top of the stream or -1 if stream is empty.


Puts the specified character on the top of the stream.

void Pushback(char value)

  • value: char - character to be pushed back.


Pushes the specified string to the top of the stream.

void PushbackString(string value)

  • value: string - string to be pushed back.


Reads a character from the top of the stream.

char Read()

  • value: char - read character or -1 if stream processed to the end.