
Contains connection parameters to authenticate against Google and connect to specific Google resources.

Inherits: ConfigParams


Contains connection parameters to authenticate against Google Functions and connect to specific Google Function.

The class is able to compose and parse Google Function connection parameters.

In addition to standard parameters CredentialParams may contain any number of custom parameters

Configuration parameters

  • connections:
    • uri: full connection uri with specific app and function name
    • protocol: connection protocol
    • project_id: is your Google Cloud Platform project ID
    • region: is the region where your function is deployed
    • function_name: is the name of the HTTP function you deployed
  • credentials:
    • account: the service account name
    • auth_token: Google-generated ID token or null if using custom auth


Creates an new instance of the connection parameters.

public GcpConnectionParams(IDictionary<string, string> values)

  • values: IDictionary<string, string> - (optional) an object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this connection.

Creates an new instance of the connection parameters.

public GcpConnectionParams()



An ID token with the request to authenticate themselves

public string AuthToken { get; set; }


The Google function name.

public string Function { get; set; }


The Google Platform service uri.

public string Uri { get; set; }


The Google function connection protocol.

public string Protocol { get; set; }


The Google Cloud Platform project ID.

public string ProjectId { get; set; }


The region where your function is deployed.

public string Region { get; set; }

Instance methods


Validates this connection parameters

public void Validate(string correlationId)

  • correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.

Static methods


Creates a new GcpConnectionParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.

public static GcpConnectionParams FromString(string line)

  • line: string - a string with serialized key-value pairs as “key1=value1;key2=value2;…”
    Example: “Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z”
  • returns: GcpConnectionParams - a new GcpConnectionParams object.


Validates this connection parameters

public static FromConfig(ConfigParams config): GcpConnectionParams


Retrieves GcpConnectionParams from multiple configuration parameters. The values are retrieves from “connection” and “credential” sections.

public static MergeConfigs(params ConfigParams[] configs): GcpConnectionParams


var connection = GcpConnectionParams.FromTuples(
    "connection.uri", "http://east-my_test_project.cloudfunctions.net/myfunction",
    "connection.protocol", "http",
    "connection.region", "east",
    "connection.function", "myfunction",
    "connection.project_id", "my_test_project",
    "credential.auth_token", "1234"
var uri = connection.Uri;                     // Result: 'http://east-my_test_project.cloudfunctions.net/myfunction'
var region = connection.Region;               // Result: 'east'
var protocol = connection.Protocol;           // Result: 'http'
var functionName = connection.Function;       // Result: 'myfunction'
var projectId = connection.ProjectId;         // Result: 'my_test_project'
var authToken = connection.AuthToken;         // Result: '123'

See also