
Abstract service that receives commands via the Google Function protocol to operations automatically generated for commands defined in ICommandable components.

Extends: CloudFunctionService


The CommandableCloudFunctionService class allows you to create abstract services that receive commands via the Google Function protocols to operations automatically generated for commnads defined in ICommandable components.

Important points

  • Each command is exposed as an invoke method that receives a command’s name and parameters.

  • Commandable services require only 3 lines of code to implement a robust external Google Function-based remote interface.

  • This service is intended to work inside an Google Function container that exploses registered actions externally.

Configuration parameters

  • dependencies:
    • controller: override for Controller dependency


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0: (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages.
  • *:counters:*:*:1.0: (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements.


Creates a new instance of the service.

public CommandableCloudFunctionService(string name)

  • name: string - service’s name.

Creates a new instance of the service.

public CommandableCloudFunctionService()

Instance methods


Returns body from Google Function request. This method can be overloaded in child classes

protected Task<Parameters> GetParametrs(HttpContext context)

  • context: HttpContext - Google Function request.
  • returns: Parameters - Returns Parameters from request


Registers all actions in Google Function.

protected void Register()


class MyCommandableCloudFunctionService : CommandableCloudFunctionService
    private IMyController _controller;
    // ...
    public MyCommandableCloudFunctionService() : base()
            new Descriptor("mygroup", "controller", "*", "*", "1.0")

/// ...

var service = new MyCommandableCloudFunctionService();
   new Descriptor("mygroup", "controller", "default", "default", "1.0"), controller
await service.OpenAsync("123");

Console.WriteLine("The Google Function service is running");