Inherits: IdentifiableMySqlPersistence<T, K>
The IdentifiableJsonMySqlPersistence class allows you to create persistence components that store data in MySQL in JSON or JSONB fields and implement a number of CRUD operations over data items with unique ids.
Important points
- The JSON table has only two fields: id and data.
- In basic scenarios child classes shall only override GetPageByFilterAsync, GetListByFilterAsync or DeleteByFilterAsync operations with a specific filter function.
- All other operations can be used out of the box.
- In complex scenarios child classes can implement additional operations by accessing this._collection and this._model properties.
Configuration parameters
- collection: (optional) MySQL collection name
- discovery_key: (optional) key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
- host: host name or IP address
- port: port number (default: 27017)
- uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it
- store_key: (optional) key to retrieve the credentials from ICredentialStore
- username: (optional) username
- password: (optional) user’s password
- connect_timeout: (optional) number of milliseconds to wait before timing out when connecting a new client (default: 0)
- idle_timeout: (optional) number of milliseconds a client must sit idle in the pool and not be checked out (default: 10000)
- max_pool_size: (optional) maximum number of clients the pool can contain (default: 10)
- *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
- *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services
- *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ICredentialStore to resolve credentials
Creates a new instance of the persistence component.
IdentifiableJsonMySqlPersistence(tableName: string)
- tableName: string - (optional) collection’s name.
Instance methods
Converts object value from public to internal format.
protected override
AnyValueMap ConvertFromPublic(T value)
- value: T - object in public format to convert.
- returns: AnyValueMap - converted object in internal format.
Converts object value from internal to public format.
protected override
T ConvertToPublic(AnyValueMap map)
- value: AnyValueMap - object in internal format to convert.
- returns: T - converted object in public format.
Adds DML statement to automatically create a JSON(B) table
void EnsureTable(string idType = “VARCHAR(32)”, string dataType = “JSON”)
- idType: string - type of the id column (default: VARCHAR(32))
- dataType: string - type of the data column (default: JSON)
Updates only few selected fields in a data item.
public override
async Task<T> UpdatePartially(string correlationId, K id, AnyValueMap data)
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- id: K - id of the data item to be updated.
- data: AnyValueMap - map with fields to be updated.
- return: Task<T> - updated item
class MyMySqlPersistence: IdentifiableJsonMySqlPersistence<MyData, string>
public MyMySqlPersistence(): base("mydata") { }
private List<Func<MyData, bool>> ComposeFilter(FilterParams filter)
filter = filter ?? new FilterParams();
var id = filter.GetAsNullableString("id");
var label = filter.GetAsNullableString("label");
var udi = filter.GetAsNullableString("udi");
return new List<Func<MyData, bool>>() {
(item) =>
if (id != null && item.Id != id)
return false;
if (label != null && item.Label != label)
return false;
if (udi != null && item.Udi != udi)
return true;
public Task<DataPage<MyData>> GetPageByFilterAsync(string correlationId, FilterParams filter, PagingParams paging)
return base.GetPageByFilterAsync(correlationId, ComposeFilter(filter), paging);
var persistence = new MyMySqlPersistence();
"host", "localhost",
"port", 27017
persistence.CreateAsync("123", MyData());
var result = persistence.GetPageByFilterAsync(
FilterParams.FromTuples("name", "ABC"),
persistence.DeleteByIdAsync("123", "1");