SQLServer module

A set of components to implement SQLServer persistence.


The module contains the following packages:

  • Build - standard factory for constructing components
  • Connect - instruments for configuring connections to the database.
  • Persistence - abstract classes for working with the database that can be used for connecting to collections and performing basic CRUD operations


Install the dotnet package as

dotnet add package PipServices3.Sqlserver

As an example, lets create persistence for the following data object.

using PipServices3.Commons.Data;

class MyObject : IIdentifiable<string>
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string key;
    public int value;

The persistence component shall implement the following interface with a basic set of CRUD operations.

interface IMyPersistance
    void GetPageByFilter(string correlationId, FilterParams filter, PagingParams paging);

    void GetOneById(string correlationId, string id);

    void GetOneByKey(string correlationId, string id);

    void Create(string correlationId, MyObject item);

    void Update(string correlationId, MyObject item);

    void DeleteById(string correlationId, string id);

To implement sql server persistence component you shall inherit IdentifiableSqlServerPersistence. Most CRUD operations will come from the base class. You only need to override getPageByFilter method with a custom filter function. And then, implement a getOneByKey custom persistence method that doesn’t exist in the base class.

using PipServices3.SqlServer.Persistence;

class MySqlServerPersistence : IdentifiableJsonSqlServerPersistence<MyObject, string>
    public MySqlServerPersistence() : base("myobjects")
        this.AutoCreateObject("CREATE TABLE [myobjects] ([id] VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, [key] VARCHAR(50), [value] NVARCHAR(255)");

        IndexOptions options = new IndexOptions();
        options.Unique = true;
        options.Type = "unique";

        Dictionary<string, bool> keys = new Dictionary<string, bool>{
            {"[key]", true},

        this.EnsureIndex("myobjects_key", keys, options);

    private string ComposeFilter(FilterParams filter)
        filter = filter != null ? filter : new FilterParams();

        List<string> criteria = new List<string>();

        string id = filter.GetAsNullableString("id");
        if (id != null)
            criteria.Add("[id]='" + id + "'");

        string tempIds = filter.GetAsNullableString("ids");
        if (tempIds != null)
            string[] ids = tempIds.Split(",");
            filters.Add("[id] IN ('" + string.Join("','", ids) + "')");

        string key = filter.GetAsNullableString("key");
        if (key != null)
            criteria.Add("[key]='" + key + "'");

        return criteria.Count > 0 ? string.Join(" AND ", criteria) : null;


    public async Task<DataPage<MyObject>> GetPageByFilter(string correlationId, FilterParams filter, PagingParams paging)
        return await base.GetPageByFilterAsync(correlationId, this.ComposeFilter(filter), paging, select: "id");

    public async Task<MyObject> GetOneByKey(string correlationId, string key)
        string query = "SELECT * FROM " + this.QuoteIdentifier(this._tableName) + " WHERE [key]=@1";
        List<string> param = new List<string> { key };

        var result = await this.ExecuteReaderAsync(query, param);
        AnyValueMap item = result != null && result[0] != null ? result[0] : null;

        if (item == null)
            this._logger.Trace(correlationId, "Nothing found from %s with key = %s", this._tableName, key);
            this._logger.Trace(correlationId, "Retrieved from %s with key = %s", this._tableName, key);

        item = this.ConvertToPublic(item);

        return item;


Alternatively you can store data in non-relational format using IdentificableJsonSqlServerPersistence. It stores data in tables with two columns: id with unique object id and data with object data serialized as JSON. To access data fields you shall use the JSON_VALUE([data],'$.field') expression.

class MySqlServerPersistence : IdentifiableJsonSqlServerPersistence<MyObject, string>
    public MySqlServerPersistence() : base("myobjects")
        IndexOptions options = new IndexOptions();
        options.Unique = true;
        options.Type = "unique";

        Dictionary<string, bool> keys = new Dictionary<string, bool>{
            {"data_key", true},

        this.AutoCreateObject("ALTER TABLE [myobjects] ADD [data_key] AS JSON_VALUE([data],'$.key')");
        this.EnsureIndex("myobjects_key", keys, options);

    private string ComposeFilter(FilterParams filter)
        filter = filter != null ? filter : new FilterParams();

        List<string> criteria = new List<string>();

        string id = filter.GetAsNullableString("id");
        if (id != null)
            criteria.Add("JSON_VALUE([data],'$.id')='" + id + "'");

        string tempIds = filter.GetAsNullableString("ids");
        if (tempIds != null)
            string[] ids = tempIds.Split(",");
            filters.Add("JSON_VALUE([data],'$.id') IN ('" + string.Join("','", ids) + "')");

        string key = filter.GetAsNullableString("key");
        if (key != null)
            criteria.Add("JSON_VALUE([data],'$.key')='" + key + "'");

        return criteria.Count > 0 ? string.Join(" AND ", criteria) : null;


    public async Task<DataPage<MyObject>> GetPageByFilter(string correlationId, FilterParams filter, PagingParams paging)
        return await base.GetPageByFilterAsync(correlationId, this.ComposeFilter(filter), paging, "id").Result;

    public async Task<MyObject> GetOneByKey(string correlationId, string key)
        string query = "SELECT * FROM " + this.QuoteIdentifier(this._tableName) + " WHERE JSON_VALUE([data],'$.key')=@1";
        List<string> param = new List<string> { key };

        var result = await this.ExecuteReaderAsync(query, param);
        AnyValueMap item = result != null && result[0] != null ? result[0] : null;

        if (item == null)
            this._logger.Trace(correlationId, "Nothing found from %s with key = %s", this._tableName, key);
            this._logger.Trace(correlationId, "Retrieved from %s with key = %s", this._tableName, key);

        item = this.ConvertToPublic(item);

        return item;

The configuration for your microservice that includes SQL Server persistence may look the following way:

- descriptor: pip-services:connection:sqlserver:con1:1.0
  table: {{SQLSERVER_TABLE}}{{#unless SQLSERVER_TABLE}}myobjects{{/unless}}
    host: {{{SQLSERVER_SERVICE_HOST}}}{{#unless SQLSERVER_SERVICE_HOST}}localhost{{/unless}}
    port: {{SQLSERVER_SERVICE_PORT}}{{#unless SQLSERVER_SERVICE_PORT}}1433{{/unless}}
    database: {{SQLSERVER_DB}}{{#unless SQLSERVER_DB}}app{{/unless}}
    username: {{SQLSERVER_USER}}
    password: {{SQLSERVER_PASS}}
- descriptor: myservice:persistence:sqlserver:default:1.0
    connection: pip-services:connection:sqlserver:con1:1.0