
Helper class that allows you to examine the type of an object, and create instancies of objects based on their type.


The TypeReflector class allows you to examine the type of an object, and create instancies of objects based on their type.

Important points

  • This class has symmetric implementation across all languages supported by the Pip.Services toolkit and used to support dynamic data processing.
  • Because all languages have different casing and case sensitivity rules, the TypeReflector class treats all type names as case insensitive.

Static methods


Creates an instance of an object type specified by its name and library where it is defined.

See getType See createInstanceByType

public static createInstance(name: string, library: string, …args: any[]): any

  • name: string - an object type name.
  • library: string - a library (module) where object type is defined.
  • args: any[] - arguments for the object constructor.
  • returns: any - the created object instance.


Creates an instance of an object type.

public static createInstanceByType(type: any, …args: any[]): any

  • type: any - object type (factory function) to create.
  • args: any[] - arguments for the object constructor.
  • returns: any - created object’s instance.


Creates an instance of an object type specified by a type descriptor.

public static createInstanceByDescriptor(descriptor: TypeDescriptor, …args: any[]): any

  • descriptor: TypeDescriptor - type descriptor that points to an object type
  • args: any[] - arguments for the object constructor.
  • returns: any - created object instance.


Creates an instance of an object’s type.

public static createInstanceByType(type: any, …args: any[]): any

  • type: any - object type (factory function) to create.
  • args: any[] - arguments for the object’s constructor.
  • returns: any - created object instance.


Gets an object’s type by its name and library where it is defined.

public static getType(name: string, library: string): any

  • name: string - object type name.
  • library: string - library where the type is defined.
  • returns: any - object type or null is the type wasn’t found.


Gets an object’s type by type descriptor.

public static getTypeByDescriptor(descriptor: TypeDescriptor): any

  • descriptor: TypeDescriptor - type descriptor that points to an object type.
  • returns: any - object type or null is the type wasn’t found.


Checks if a value has a primitive type.

Primitive types are: numbers, strings, booleans, date and time. Complex (non-primitive types are): objects, maps and arrays.
See TypeConverter.toTypeCode, TypeCode

public static isPrimitive(value: any): boolean

  • value: any - value to check
  • returns:boolean - true if the value has primitive type and false if value type is complex.


let descriptor = new TypeDescriptor("MyObject", "mylibrary");
let myObj = TypeReflector.createInstanceByDescriptor(descriptor);

TypeDescriptor.isPrimitive(myObject);   // Result: false
TypeDescriptor.isPrimitive(123);        // Result: true

See also