
Dummy implementation of performance counters.

Implements: ICounters


The NullCounters class allows you to create dummy performance counters.

Important points

  • It can be used in testing or in situations when a counter is required but must be disabled.

Instance methods


Begins measurement of execution time interval. It returns CounterTiming object which has to be called at CounterTiming.endTiming to end the measurement and update the counter.

public beginTiming(name: string): CounterTiming: void

  • name: string - a counter name of Interval type.
  • returns: CounterTiming - a callback object to end timing.


Increments counter by given value.

public increment(name: string, value: number): void

  • name: string - a counter name of Increment type.
  • value: number - a value to add to the counter.


Increments counter by 1.

public incrementOne(name: string): void

  • name: string - a counter name of Increment type.


Records the last calculated measurement value. Usually this method is used by metrics calculated externally.

public last(name: string, value: number): void

  • name: string - a counter name of Last type.
  • value: number - a last value to record.


Calculates min/average/max statistics based on the current and previous values.

public stats(name: string, value: number): void

  • name: string - a counter name of Statistics type
  • value: number - a value to update statistics


Records the given timestamp.

public timestamp(name: string, value: Date): void

  • name: string - a counter name of Timestamp type.
  • value: Date - a timestamp to record.


Records the current time as a timestamp.

public timestampNow(name: string): void

  • name: string - a counter name of Timestamp type.

See also