Dummy implementation of tracer that doesn’t do anything.
Implements: ITracer
The NullTracer class allows you to create a dummy tracer with no real effect.
Important points
- It can be used in testing or in situations when tracing is required but must be disabled.
Instance methods
Begings recording an operation trace
beginTrace(correlationId: string, component: string, operation: string): TraceTiming
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
- component: string - name of the called component
- operation: string - name of the executed operation.
- return: TraceTiming - a trace timing object.
Records an operation failure with its name, duration and error
failure(correlationId: string, component: string, operation: string, error: Error, duration: number): void
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through a call chain.
- component: string - name of the called component
- operation: string - name of the executed operation.
- error: Error - an error object associated with this trace.
- duration: number - execution duration in milliseconds.
Records an operation trace with its name and duration.
trace(correlationId: string, component: string, operation: string, duration: number): void
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through a call chain.
- component: string - name of the called component
- operation: string - name of the executed operation.
- duration: number - execution duration in milliseconds.