
Implements a list filled with standard functions.

Extends: FunctionCollection


The DefaultFunctionCollection class allows you to implement a list filled with standard functions.


Constructs a list and fills it with the standard functions.

public constructor()

Instance methods


Checks if params contains the correct number of function parameters (must be stored on the top of the params).

protected checkParamCount(params: Variant[], expectedParamCount: number): void

  • params: Variant[] - list of function parameters.
  • expectedParamCount: number - expected number of function parameters.


Gets a function’s parameter by it’s index.

protected getParameter(params: Variant[], paramIndex: number): Variant

  • params: Variant[] - list of function parameters.
  • paramIndex: number - index for the function parameter (0 for the first parameter).
  • returns: Variant - function’s parameter value.