Extends: SqlitePersistence
Implements: IWriter<T, K>, IGetter<T, K>, ISetter
Important points
- The data items must implement the IIdentifiable interface.
- In basic scenarios, child classes shall only override getPageByFilter, getListByFilter or deleteByFilter operations with a specific filter function.
- All other operations can be used out of the box.
- In complex scenarios child classes can implement additional operations by accessing this._collection and this._model properties.
Configuration parameters
- table: (optional) SQLite table name
- schema: (optional) SQLite schema name
- connection(s):
- discovery_key: (optional) key to retrieve the connection from IDiscovery
- database: database file path
- uri: resource URI with file:// protocol
- *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
- *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services
- *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) Credential stores to resolve credentials (ICredentialStore)
Creates a new instance of the persistence component.
constructor(tableName: string)
- tableName: string - (optional) collection name.
Instance methods
Converts the given object from the public partial format.
convertFromPublicPartial(value: any): any
- value: any - object to convert from the public partial format.
- returns: any - initial object.
Creates a data item.
create(correlationId: string, item: T): Promise<T>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- item: T - item to be created.
- returns: Promise<T> - created item
Deletes a data item by it’s unique id.
deleteById(correlationId: string, id: K): Promise<T>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- id: K - id of the item to be deleted
- returns: Promise<T> - deleted item
Deletes multiple data items by their unique ids.
deleteByIds(correlationId: string, ids: K[]): Promise<void>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- ids: K[] - ids of the data items to be deleted.
Gets a list of data items retrieved by given unique ids.
getListByIds(correlationId: string, ids: K[]): Promise<T[]>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- ids: K[] - ids of the data items to be retrieved
- returns: Promise<T[]> - data list
Gets a data item by its unique id.
getOneById(correlationId: string, id: K): Promise<T>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- id: K - id of the data item to be retrieved.
- returns: Promise<T> - data item
Sets a data item. If the data item exists, it updates it. Otherwise, it creates a new data item.
set(correlationId: string, item: T): Promise<T>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- item: T - item to be set.
- returns: Promise<T> - new or updated item
Updates a data item.
update(correlationId: string, item: T): Promise<T>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- item: T - item to be updated.
- returns: Promise<T> - updated item
Updates only a few selected fields in a data item.
updatePartially(correlationId: string, id: K, data: AnyValueMap): Promise<T>
- correlationId: string - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
- id: any - id of data item to be updated.
- data: AnyValueMap - map with fields to be updated.
- returns: Promise<T> - updated item
class MySqlitePersistence extends IdentifiableSqlitePersistence<MyData, string> {
public constructor() {
protected defineSchema(): void {
this.ensureSchema('CREATE TABLE "' + this._tableName + '" ("id" VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, "name" VARCHAR(50), "content" TEXT)');
this.ensureIndex(this._tableName + '_name', { name: 1 }, { unique: true });
private composeFilter(filter: FilterParams): any {
filter = filter || new FilterParams();
let name = filter.getAsNullableString('name');
let filterCondition: string = null;
if (name != null)
filterCondition = "\"name\"='" + name + "'";
return filterCondition;
public getPageByFilter(correlationId: string, filter: FilterParams,
paging: PagingParams): Promise<DataPage<MyData>> {
return super.getPageByFilter(correlationId, this.composeFilter(filter), paging, null, null);
let persistence = new MySqlitePersistence();
"connection.database", "./data/mydb.db"
await persitence.open("123");
let item = await = persistence.create("123", { id: "1", name: "ABC" });
let page = await persistence.getPageByFilter(
FilterParams.fromTuples("name", "ABC"),
console.log(page.data); // Result: { id: "1", name: "ABC" }
await persistence.deleteById("123", "1");