Implements: IOpenable, IConfigurable, IReferenceable
When making calls “cmd” parameter determines which what action shall be called, while other parameters are passed to the action itself.
Configuration parameters
- connections:
- uri: (optional) full connection string or use protocol, app_name and function_name to build
- protocol: (optional) connection protocol
- app_name: (optional) Azure Function application name
- function_name: (optional) Azure Function name
- credentials:
- auth_code: Azure Function auth code if use custom authorization provide empty string
- *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages.
- *:counters:*:*:1.0 - (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements.
- *:discovery:*:*:1.0 - (optional) IDiscovery services to resolve connections.
- *:credential-store:*:*:1.0 - (optional) Credential stores to resolve credentials.
Instance methods
Calls a Azure Function action.
_call(cmd: str, correlation_id: Optional[str], params: dict = {}): Any
- cmd: str - an action name to be called.
- correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
- params: dict - (optional) action parameters.
- returns: Any - action result.
Closes component and frees used resources.
close(correlation_id: Optional[str])
- correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Configures component by passing configuration parameters.
configure(config: ConfigParams)
- config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to be set.
Adds instrumentation to log calls and measure call time. It returns a CounterTiming object that is used to end the time measurement.
_instrument(correlation_id: Optional[str], name: str): InstrumentTiming
- correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
- name: str - a method name.
- return: InstrumentTiming - object to end the time measurement.
Performs Azure Function invocation.
_invoke<T>(cmd: str, correlation_id: Optional[str], args: dict): Any
- cmd: srt - action result.
- correlation_id: Optional[str] - action result.
- args: dict - action result.
- returns: Any - action result.
Checks if the component is opened.
is_open(): bool
- returns: bool - true if the component has been opened and false otherwise.
Opens the component.
open(correlation_id: Optional[str])
- correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Sets references to dependent components.
set_references(references: IReferences)
- references: IReferences - references to locate the component dependencies.
class MyAzureFunctionClient(AzureFunctionClient, IMyClient):
def get_data(self, correlation_id: Optional[str], id: str) -> MyData:
timing = self._instrument(correlation_id, 'myclient.get_data')
result = self._call('get_data', correlation_id, {'id': id}
return result
client = MyAzureFunctionClient()"123")
"connection.uri", "",
"connection.protocol", "http",
"connection.app_name", "myapp",
"connection.function_name", "myfunction"
"credential.auth_code", "XXXX"
result = client.get_data('123', '1')