
Cross-language implementation of a dynamic object that can hold a value of any type. It also provides methods to convert the stored value to different types.

Implements: ICloneable


The AnyValue class provides a cross-language implementation of a dynamic object that can hold a value of any type. In addition, it provides methods to convert the stored value to different types, such as string or integer.


Creates a new instance of the object and assigns its value.

AnyValue(value: Any = None)

  • value: Any - (optional) value to initialize this object.



The value stored by this object.

value: Any

Instance methods


Creates a binary clone of this object.

clone(): Any

  • returns: Any - a clone of this object.


Compares this object value to specified specified value. When direct comparison gives negative results it tries to compare values as strings.

equals(obj: Any): bool

  • obj: Any - the value to be compared with.
  • returns: bool - true when objects are equal and false otherwise.


Compares this object value to specified specified value. When a direct comparison gives negative results it converts values to type specified by type code and compares them again.
See TypeConverter.to_type

equals_as_type(value_type: TypeCode, obj: Any): bool

  • type: TypeCode - the value to be compared with.
  • obj: Any - the args to be compared with.
  • returns: Any - true when objects are equal and false otherwise.


Converts object value into an AnyArray or returns empty AnyArray if conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueArray.from_value

get_as_array(): AnyValueArray

  • returns: AnyValueArray - AnyArray value or empty AnyArray if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a boolean or returns false if conversion is not possible.

get_as_boolean(): bool

  • returns: bool - string value or false if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a boolean or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.to_boolean_with_default

get_as_boolean_with_default(default_value: bool): bool

  • default_value: bool - the default value.
  • returns: bool - boolean value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a Date or returns current date if conversion is not possible.

get_as_datetime(): datetime

  • returns: datetime - Date value or current date if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a Date or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.to_datetime_with_default

get_as_datetime_with_default(default_value: datetime): datetime

  • default_value: datetime - the default value.
  • returns: datetime - datetime value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a double or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.

get_as_double(): float

  • returns: float - double value or 0 if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a double or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.to_double_with_default

to_double_with_default(default_value: float): float

  • default_value: float - the default value.
  • returns: float - double value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a float or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.

get_as_float(): float

  • returns: float - float value or 0 if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a float or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
See FloatConverter.to_float_with_default

get_as_float_with_default(default_value: float): float

  • default_value: float - the default value.
  • returns: float - float value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into an integer or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.

get_as_integer(): int

  • returns: int - integer value or 0 if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a integer or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.to_integer_with_default

get_as_integer_with_default(default_value: int): int

  • default_value: int - the default value.
  • returns: int - integer value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a long or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.

get_as_long(): float

  • returns: float - long value or 0 if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a long or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.to_long_with_default

get_as_long_with_default(default_value: float): float

  • default_value: float - the default value.
  • returns: float - long value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into AnyMap or returns empty AnyMap if conversion is not possible.
See AnyValueMap.from_value

get_as_map(): AnyValueMap

  • returns: AnyValueMap - AnyMap value or empty AnyMap if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a boolean or returns None if conversion is not possible.
See BooleanConverter.toNullableBoolean

get_as_nullable_boolean(): Optional[bool]

  • returns: Optional[bool] - boolean value or None if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a Date or returns None if conversion is not possible.
See DateTimeConverter.to_nullable_datetime

get_as_nullable_datetime(): Optional[datetime]

  • returns: Optional[datetime] - Date value or None if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a double or returns None if conversion is not possible.
See DoubleConverter.to_nullable_double

get_as_nullable_double(): Optional[float]

  • returns: Optional[float] - double value or None if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a float or returns None if conversion is not possible.
See FloatConverter.to_nullable_float

get_as_nullable_float(): Optional[float]

  • returns: Optional[float] - float value or None if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into an integer or returns None if conversion is not possible.
See IntegerConverter.to_nullable_integer

get_as_nullable_integer(): Optional[int]

  • returns: Optional[int] - integer value or None if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a long or returns None if conversion is not possible.
See LongConverter.to_nullable_long

get_as_nullable_long(): Optional[float]

  • returns: Optional[float] - long value or None if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a string or returns None if conversion is not possible.
See StringConverter.to_nullable_string

get_as_nullable_string(): Optional[str]

  • returns: Optional[str] - string value or None if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns None.
See TypeConverter.to_nullable_type

get_as_nullable_type(value_type: TypeCode): Optional[Any]

  • value_type: TypeCode - the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
  • returns: Optional[Any] - value defined by the typecode or None if conversion is not supported.


Gets the value stored in this object without any conversion.

get_as_object(): Any

  • returns: Any - the object value.


Converts object value into a string or returns "" if conversion is not possible.

get_as_string(): str

  • returns: str - string value or "" if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a string or returns default value if conversion is not possible.

get_as_string_with_default(default_value: str): str

  • default_value: str - the default value.
  • returns: srt - string value or default if conversion is not supported.


Converts object args into a args defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default args for the specified type.

get_as_type(value_type: TypeCode): Any

  • value_type: TypeCode - the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
  • returns: Any - args defined by the typecode or type default args if conversion is not supported.


Converts object value into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value.

get_as_type_with_default(value_type: TypeCode, default_value: Any): Any

  • value_type: TypeCode - the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
  • default_value: Any - the default value
  • returns: Any - value defined by the typecode or type default value if conversion is not supported.


Gets type code for the value stored in this object.
See TypeConverter.to_type_code

get_type_code(): TypeCode

  • returns: TypeCode - type code of the object value.


Sets a new value for this object.

set_as_object(value: Any)

  • value: Any - the new object value.


Gets a string representation of the object.
See StringConverter.toString

to_string(): str

  • returns: str - a string representation of the object.


value1 = AnyValue("123.456")

value1.get_as_integer()   # Result: 123
value1.get_as_string()    # Result: "123.456"
value1.get_as_float()     # Result: 123.456

See also