
Class used to create objects that contain string translations for multiple languages.

Implements: dict


The MultiString class allows you to create objects that contain string translations for multiple languages.

Important points

  • Language keys use two-letter codes like: ‘en’, ‘sp’, ‘de’, ‘ru’, ‘fr’, ‘pr’.
  • When a translation for a specific language does not exists, it defaults to English (‘en’).
  • When English does not exists, it falls back to the first defined language


Creates a new MultiString object and initializes it with values.

MultiString(map: Any = None)

  • map: Any - a map with language-text pairs.

Instance methods


Appends a map with language-translation pairs.

append(map: Any)

  • map: Any - the map with language-translation pairs.


Clears all translations from this MultiString object.



Gets a string translation by specified language. When language is not found it defaults to English (‘en’). When English is not found it takes the first value.

get(language: str): str

  • language: str - a language two-symbol code.
  • returns: str - a translation for the specified language or default translation.


Gets all languages stored in this MultiString object.

get_languages(): List[str]

  • returns: List[str] - a list with language codes.


Returns the number of translations stored in this MultiString object.

length(): int

  • returns: int - the number of translations.


Puts a new translation for the specified language.

put(language: str, value: Any): Any

  • language: str - a language two-symbol code.
  • value: Any - a new translation for the specified language.


Removes translation for the specified language.

remove(language: str)

  • language: str - a language two-symbol code.

Static methods


Creates a new MultiString object from language-translation pairs (tuples).

static from_tuples(*tuples: Any): MultiString

  • tuples: Any - an array that contains language-translation tuples.
  • returns: MultiString - a MultiString Object.


Creates a new MultiString object from language-translation pairs (tuples) specified as array.

static from_tuples_array(tuples: Sequence[Any]): MultiString

  • tuples: Sequence[Any] - an array that contains language-translation tuples.
  • returns: MultiString - a MultiString Object.


Creates a new MultiString object from a value that contains language-translation pairs.
See StringValueMap

static from_value(value: Any): MultiString

  • value: Any - the value to initialize MultiString.
  • returns: MultiString - a MultiString object.


values = MultiString.from_tuples(
    "en", "Hello World!",
    "ru", "Привет мир!"
value1 = values.get('ru') # Result: "Привет мир!"
value2 = values.get('pt') # Result: "Hello World!"