
Interface for configuration readers that retrieve a configuration from various sources and make it available for other components.


The IConfigReader interface is used in configuration readers that retrieve a configuration from various sources and make it availale for other components.

Important points

  • Some IConfigReader implementations may support configuration parameterization.
  • The parameterization allows to use configuration as a template and inject there dynamic values. The values may come from application command like arguments or environment variables.

Abstract methods


Adds a listener that will be notified when configuration is changed

abstractmethod add_change_listener(listener: INotifiable)


Remove a previously added change listener.

abstractmethod remove_change_listener(listener: INotifiable): void


Reads configuration and parameterizes it with given values.

abstractmethod read_config_(correlation_id: Optional[str], parameters: ConfigParams): ConfigParams

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
  • parameters: ConfigParams - values to parameters the configuration or None to skip parameterization.
  • returns: ConfigParams - ConfigParams configuration.