
Chainable decorator for IReferences that allows to inject additional capabilities such as automatic component creation, automatic registration and opening.

Implements: IReferences


The ReferencesDecorator class allows you to create chainable decorators for IReferences that allow to inject addtional capabilities, such as automatic component creation, automatic registration and opening.


Creates a new instance of the decorator.

ReferencesDecorator(next_references: Optional[IReferences], top_references: Optional[IReferences])

  • next_references: Optional[IReferences] - next references or decorator in the chain.
  • top_references: Optional[IReferences] - decorator at the top of the chain.



Next references or decorator in the chain.

next_references: Optional[IReferences]


Decorator at the top of the chain.

top_references: Optional[IReferences]

Instance methods


Gets all component references that match the specified locator. Throws a ReferenceException when required is set to True but no references were found.

find(locator: Any, required: bool): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - locator to find a reference by.
  • required: bool - if True, it forces to raise an exception when no reference is found.
  • returns: List[Any] - list with matching component references.


Gets all component references registered in this reference map.

get_all(): List[Any]

  • returns: List[Any] - list with component references.


Gets locators for all registered component references in the reference map.

get_all_locators(): List[Any]

  • returns: List[Any] - list with component locators.


Gets an optional component reference that matches the specified locator.

get_one_optional(locator: Any): Any

  • locator: Any - locator to find references by.
  • returns: Any - matching component reference or None if nothing was found.


Gets a required component reference that matches the specified locator. Throws a ReferenceException when no references were found.

get_one_required(locator: Any): Any

  • locator: Any - locator to find a reference by.
  • returns: Any - matching component reference.


Gets all component references that match the specified locator.

get_optional(locator: Any): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - locator to find references by.
  • returns: List[Any] - list with matching component references or empty list if nothing was found.


Gets all component references that match the specified locator. At least one component reference must be present. Throws a ReferenceException when no references were found.

get_required(locator: Any): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - locator to find references by.
  • returns: List[Any] - list with matching component references.


Puts a new reference into the reference map.

put(locator: Any = None, reference: Any = None)

  • locator: Any - locator to find the reference by.
  • reference: Any - component reference to be added.


Removes a previously added component that matches the specified locator. If many references match the locator, it removes only the first one. When all references shall be removed, use remove_all method instead.

remove(locator: Any): Any

  • locator: Any - locator to remove component
  • returns: Any - removed component.


Removes all component references that match the specified locator.

remove_all(locator: Any): List[Any]

  • locator: Any - locator to remove references by.
  • returns: List[Any] - list containing all removed references.

See also