
Abstract persistence component that stores data in memory and implements a number of CRUD operations over data items with unique ids.

Implements: MemoryPersistence, IWriter, IGetter, ISetter, iidentifiable


The IdentifiableMemoryPersistence class allows you to create persistence components that store data in memory and implement a number of CRUD operations over data items with unique ids.

Important points

  • The data items must implement IIdentifiable.
  • In basic scenarios child classes shall only override get_page_by_filter, get_list_by_filter or delete_by_filter operations with a specific filter function. All other operations can be used out of the box.
  • In complex scenarios child classes can implement additional operations by accessing cached items via the this._items property and calling the save method on updates.

Configuration parameters


  • max_page_size: maximum number of items returned in a single page (default: 100)


  • *:logger:*:*:1.0 - (optional) (../../../components/log/ilogger) components to pass log messages


Creates a new instance of the identifiable file persistence component.

IdentifiableFilePersistence(loader: ILoader = None, saver: ISaver = None)

  • loader: ILoader - (optional) loader used to load items from an external datasource.
  • saver: ISaver - (optional) saver used to save items to and external datasource.

Instance methods


Creates a data item.

create(correlation_id: Optional[str], item: T): T

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • item: T - item to be created.
  • returns: T - created item


Deletes a data item based on it’s unique id.

delete_by_id(correlation_id: Optional[str], id: Any): T

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • id: Any - id of the item to be deleted
  • returns: T - deleted item.


Deletes multiple data items based on their unique ids.

delete_by_ids(correlation_id: Optional[str], ids: List[Any])

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • ids: List[Any] - ids of data items to be deleted.


Gets a list of data items retrieved by given unique ids.

get_list_by_ids(correlation_id: Optional[str], ids: List[Any]): List[T]

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • ids: List[Any] - ids of data items to be retrieved
  • returns: List[T] - data list of results by ids.


Gets a data item based on its unique id.

get_one_by_id(correlation_id: Optional[str], id: Any): T

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • id: Any - id of data item to be retrieved.
  • returns: T - data item by id.


Sets a data item. If the data item exists, it updates it; otherwise, it creates a new data item.

set(correlation_id: Optional[str], item: T): T

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • item: T - item to be set.
  • returns: T - updated item


Updates a data item.

update(correlation_id: Optional[str], new_item: T): T

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • new_item: T - item to be updated.
  • returns: T - updated item.


Updates only a few selected fields in a data item.

update_partially(correlation_id: Optional[str], id: Any, data: AnyValueMap): T

  • correlation_id: Optional[str] - (optional) transaction id used to trace execution through the call chain.
  • id: Any - id of a data item to be updated.
  • data: AnyValueMap - map with fields to be updated.
  • returns: T - updated item.


from typing import Any, Optional, Callable 
from import DataPage, PagingParams, IStringIdentifiable, FilterParams 
from pip_services3_data.persistence import IdentifiableMemoryPersistence 
class MyData(IStringIdentifiable): 
    def __init__(self, id: str = None, name: str = None, content: str = None): = id = name 
        self.content = content 
    def get_data(self): 
        # Helper method for output data 
        return { 
            'content': self.content 
class MyMemoryPersistence(IdentifiableMemoryPersistence): 
    def __compose_filter(self, filter_params: FilterParams) -> Callable[[MyData], bool]: 
        filter_params = filter_params or FilterParams() 
        id = filter_params.get_as_nullable_string('id') 
        content = filter_params.get_as_nullable_string('content') 
        name = filter_params.get_as_nullable_string('name') 
        def filter_action(item: MyData) -> bool: 
            if id is not None and != id: 
                return False 
            if content is not None and item.content != content: 
                return False 
            if name is not None and != name: 
                return False 
            return True 
        return filter_action 
    def get_page_by_filter(self, correlation_id: Optional[str], filter: Any, paging: PagingParams, sort: Any = None, 
                           select: Any = None) -> DataPage: 
        return super().get_page_by_filter(correlation_id, self.__compose_filter(filter), paging, None) 
persistence = MyMemoryPersistence() 
item = persistence.create("123", MyData('1', 'ABC', 'Content 1')) 
mydata = persistence.get_page_by_filter("123", FilterParams.from_tuples("name", "ABC"), None, None) 
result = persistence.delete_by_id("123", "1") 
if result is not None: 
    print(f'Deleted item: {result.get_data()}')

The result is:

{‘id’: ‘1’, ‘name’: ‘ABC’, ‘content’: ‘Content 1’}
Deleted item: {‘id’: ‘1’, ‘name’: ‘ABC’, ‘content’: ‘Content 1’}

See also