import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:pip_services3_commons/pip_services3_commons.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:pip_services_beacons_dart/pip_services_beacons_dart.dart';
import '../../fixtures/TestUsers.dart';
import '../../fixtures/TestReferences.dart';
import '../../fixtures/TestRestClient.dart';
BeaconV1 BEACON1 = BeaconV1(
id: '1',
udi: '00001',
site_id: '1',
type: BeaconTypeV1.altBeacon,
label: 'TestBeacon1',
center: {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [0, 0]
radius: 50);
BeaconV1 BEACON2 = BeaconV1(
id: '2',
udi: '00002',
site_id: '1',
type: BeaconTypeV1.iBeacon,
label: 'TestBeacon2',
center: {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [2, 2]
radius: 70);
void main() {
group('BeaconsRoutesV1', () {
late TestReferences references;
late TestRestClient rest;
setUpAll(() async {
rest = TestRestClient();
references = TestReferences();
await references.open(null);
tearDownAll(() async {
await references.close(null);
test('CRUD Operations', () async {
BeaconV1 beacon1;
// Create the first beacon
var response = await rest.postAsUser(
TestUsers.AdminUserSessionId, '/api/v1/beacons', BEACON1.toJson());
var beacon = BeaconV1();
expect(beacon, isNotNull);
expect(BEACON1.site_id, beacon.site_id);
expect(BEACON1.udi, beacon.udi);
expect(BEACON1.type, beacon.type);
expect(BEACON1.label, beacon.label);
expect(beacon.center, isNotNull);
// Create the second beacon
response = await rest.postAsUser(
TestUsers.AdminUserSessionId, '/api/v1/beacons', BEACON2.toJson());
beacon = BeaconV1();
expect(beacon, isNotNull);
expect(BEACON2.site_id, beacon.site_id);
expect(BEACON2.udi, beacon.udi);
expect(BEACON2.type, beacon.type);
expect(BEACON2.label, beacon.label);
expect(beacon.center, isNotNull);
// Get all beacons
response =
await rest.getAsUser(TestUsers.AdminUserSessionId, '/api/v1/beacons');
var json = jsonDecode(response.body)['data'];
var data = <BeaconV1>[];
json.forEach((element) {
beacon = BeaconV1();
var page = DataPage<BeaconV1>(data, data.length);
expect(page.data.length, 2);
// Update the beacon
beacon1 = page.data[0];
beacon1.label = 'ABC';
response = await rest.putAsUser(
TestUsers.AdminUserSessionId, '/api/v1/beacons', beacon1.toJson());
beacon = BeaconV1();
expect(beacon1.id, beacon.id);
expect('ABC', beacon.label);
// Get beacon by udi
response = await rest.getAsUser(
'/api/v1/beacons/udi/' +
beacon1.udi! +
'?user_id=' +
beacon = BeaconV1();
expect(beacon1.id, beacon.id);
expect(beacon1.udi, beacon.udi);
// Calculate position for one beacon
response = await rest
.postAsUser(TestUsers.User1SessionId, '/api/v1/beacons/position', {
'site_id': '1',
'udis': ['00001']
var position = jsonDecode(response.body);
expect('Point', position['type']);
expect(position['coordinates'].length, 2);
expect(0, position['coordinates'][0]);
expect(0, position['coordinates'][1]);
// Delete the beacon
response = await rest.delAsUser(
TestUsers.AdminUserSessionId, '/api/v1/beacons/' + beacon1.id!);
beacon = BeaconV1();
expect(beacon1.id, beacon.id);
// Try to get deleted beacon
response = await rest.getAsUser(TestUsers.User1SessionId,
'/api/v1/beacons/' + beacon1.id! + '?user_id=' + TestUsers.User1Id);
expect(response.body, isEmpty);