
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing;
using Pip.Services.SampleFacade.Clients.Version1;
using PipServices3.Commons.Config;
using PipServices3.Commons.Convert;
using PipServices3.Commons.Data;
using PipServices3.Commons.Errors;
using PipServices3.Commons.Refer;
using PipServices3.Rpc.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Pip.Services.SampleFacade.Operations.Version1
	public class SessionsOperationsV1 : RestOperations
		private static ConfigParams _defaultConfig1 = ConfigParams.FromTuples(
			"options.cookie_enabled", true,
			"options.cookie", "x-session-id",
			"options.max_cookie_age", 365L * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

		private string _cookie = "x-session-id";
		private bool _cookieEnabled = true;
		private long _maxCookieAge = 365L * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

		private ISettingsClientV1 _settingsClient;
		private IAccountsClientV1 _accountsClient;
		private ISessionsClientV1 _sessionsClient;
		private IPasswordsClientV1 _passwordsClient;
		private IRolesClientV1 _rolesClient;
		private IEmailSettingsClientV1 _emailSettingsClient;
		private ISitesClientV1 _sitesClient;
		private IInvitationsClientV1 _invitationsClient;

		public SessionsOperationsV1()
			_dependencyResolver.Put("settings", new Descriptor("pip-services-settings", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));
			_dependencyResolver.Put("accounts", new Descriptor("pip-services-accounts", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));
			_dependencyResolver.Put("passwords", new Descriptor("pip-services-passwords", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));
			_dependencyResolver.Put("roles", new Descriptor("pip-services-roles", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));
			_dependencyResolver.Put("emailsettings", new Descriptor("pip-services-emailsettings", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));
			_dependencyResolver.Put("sessions", new Descriptor("pip-services-sessions", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));
			_dependencyResolver.Put("sites", new Descriptor("pip-services-sites", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));
			_dependencyResolver.Put("invitations", new Descriptor("pip-services-invitations", "client", "*", "*", "1.0"));

		public new void Configure(ConfigParams config)
			config = config.SetDefaults(_defaultConfig1);

			_cookieEnabled = config.GetAsBooleanWithDefault("options.cookie_enabled", _cookieEnabled);
			_cookie = config.GetAsStringWithDefault("options.cookie", _cookie);
			_maxCookieAge = config.GetAsLongWithDefault("options.max_cookie_age", _maxCookieAge);


		public new void SetReferences(IReferences references)

			_settingsClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<ISettingsClientV1>("settings");
			_sessionsClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<ISessionsClientV1>("sessions");
			_accountsClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<IAccountsClientV1>("accounts");
			_passwordsClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<IPasswordsClientV1>("passwords");
			_rolesClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<IRolesClientV1>("roles");
			_emailSettingsClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<IEmailSettingsClientV1>("emailsettings");
			_sitesClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<ISitesClientV1>("sites");
			_invitationsClient = _dependencyResolver.GetOneRequired<IInvitationsClientV1>("invitations");

		public async Task LoadSessionAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, ClaimsPrincipal user, RouteData routeData,
			Func<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, ClaimsPrincipal, RouteData, Task> next)
			var sessionId = request.Headers["x-session-id"];
			if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sessionId))
				var session = await _sessionsClient.GetSessionByIdAsync("facade", sessionId);
				if (session == null)
					var error = new UnauthorizedException(
							"Session invalid or already expired."
						).WithDetails("session_id", sessionId).WithStatus(440);

					await SendErrorAsync(response, error);

				// Associate session user with the request
				request.HttpContext.Items["user_id"] = session.UserId;
				request.HttpContext.Items["user_name"] = session.UserName;
				request.HttpContext.Items["user"] = session.User;
				request.HttpContext.Items["session_id"] = session.Id;

				// Set IsAuthenticated and add roles to claims
				var sessionUser = (SessionUserV1)session.User;
				var roles = sessionUser.Roles ?? new List<string>();
				var claims = roles.Select(r => new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, r)).ToList();

				// Set user id as claim for OwnerAuthorizer
				claims.Add(new Claim("", session.UserId));

				user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "Basic"));

			await next(request, response, user, routeData);

		public async Task OpenSessionAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, AccountV1 account, List<string> roles)
				// Retrieve sites for user
				var siteIds = roles
					.Where(r => r.IndexOf(":") > 0)
					.Select(r => r.Substring(0, r.IndexOf(":")))

				var sites = new List<SiteV1>();

				if (siteIds.Count > 0)
					var filter = FilterParams.FromTuples("ids", siteIds);
					var page = await _sitesClient.GetSitesAsync(null, filter, null);

					sites = page.Data;

				UserPasswordInfoV1 passwordInfo = await _passwordsClient.GetPasswordInfoAsync(null, account.Id);

				ConfigParams settings = await _settingsClient.GetSectionByIdAsync(null, account.Id);

				// Open a new user session
				var user = new SessionUserV1
					Id = account.Id,
					Name = account.Name,
					Login = account.Login,
					CreateTime = account.CreateTime,
					TimeZone = account.TimeZone,
					Language = account.Language,
					Theme = account.Theme,
					Roles = roles,
					Sites = sites.Select(s => new SessionSiteV1 { Id = s.Id, Name = s.Name }).ToList<ISessionSite>(),
					//Settings: settings,
					ChangePwdTime = passwordInfo?.ChangeTime,
					CustomHdr = account.CustomHdr,
					CustomDat = account.CustomDat

				string address = null;  // HttpRequestDetector.detectAddress(req);
				string client = null;  // HttpRequestDetector.detectBrowser(req);
									   //string platform = HttpRequestDetector.detectPlatform(req);

				SessionV1 session = await _sessionsClient.OpenSessionAsync(null, account.Id, account.Name, address, client, user, null);
				await SendResultAsync(response, session);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task SignupAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
				// Validate password first
				// Todo: complete implementation after validate password is added

				var parameters = GetParameters(request);
				var signupData = JsonConverter.FromJson<SignupData>(parameters.RequestBody);

				// Create account
				var newAccount = new AccountV1
					Name = signupData.Name,
					Login = signupData.Login ?? signupData.Email, // Use email by default
					Language = signupData.Language,
					Theme = signupData.Theme,
					TimeZone = signupData.TimeZone

				var account = await _accountsClient.CreateAccountAsync(null, newAccount);

				// Create password for the account
				var password = signupData.Password;

				await _passwordsClient.SetPasswordAsync(
					null, account.Id, password);

				// Activate all pending invitations
				var roles = new List<string>();
				var email = signupData.Email;
				var invitations = await _invitationsClient.ActivateInvitationsAsync(null, email, account.Id);

				var invited = false;
				if (invitations != null)
					// Calculate user roles from activated invitations
					foreach (var invitation in invitations)
						// Was user invited with the same email?
						invited = invited || email == invitation.InviteeEmail;

						if (invitation.SiteId != null)
							invitation.Role ??= "user";
							var role = invitation.SiteId + ':' + invitation.Role;

				// Create email settings for the account
				var newEmailSettings = new EmailSettingsV1
					Id = account.Id,
                    Name = account.Name,
                    Email = email,
                    Language = account.Language

				if (_emailSettingsClient != null)
					if (invited)
						await _emailSettingsClient.SetVerifiedSettingsAsync(null, newEmailSettings);
						await _emailSettingsClient.SetSettingsAsync(null, newEmailSettings);

				await OpenSessionAsync(request, response, account, roles);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task SignupValidateAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
			var parameters = GetParameters(request);

			var login = parameters.GetAsNullableString("login");

			Exception err = null;
			if (login != null)
					var account = await _accountsClient.GetAccountByIdOrLoginAsync(null, login);
					if (account != null)
						err = new BadRequestException(
							null, "LOGIN_ALREADY_USED",
							"Login " + login + " already being used"
						).WithDetails("login", login);
				catch (Exception ex)
					err = ex;

			if (err != null) await SendErrorAsync(response, err);
			else await SendEmptyResultAsync(response);

		public async Task SigninAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
			var parameters = GetParameters(request);

			var login = parameters.GetAsNullableString("login");
			var password = parameters.GetAsNullableString("password");

				// Find user account
				var account = await _accountsClient.GetAccountByIdOrLoginAsync(null, login);
				if (account == null)
					await SendErrorAsync(response, new BadRequestException(
							"Account " + login + " was not found"
						).WithDetails("login", login));


				// Authenticate user
				var result = false;

					result = await _passwordsClient.AuthenticateAsync(null, account.Id, password);
				catch (Exception ex)
					if (!ex.Message.Contains("Invalid password"))

				if (!result)
					await SendErrorAsync(response, new BadRequestException(
							"Wrong password for account " + login
						).WithDetails("login", login));


				// Retrieve user roles
				var roles = new List<string>();

				if (_rolesClient != null)
					var data = await _rolesClient.GetRolesByIdAsync(null, account.Id);
					if (data != null)

				await OpenSessionAsync(request, response, account, roles);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task SignoutAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
			// Cleanup cookie with session id
			// if (_cookieEnabled)
			//     response.ClearCookie(_cookie);
			var sessionId = GetContextItem<string>(request, "session_id");

				if (sessionId != null)
					await _sessionsClient.CloseSessionAsync(null, sessionId);

				await SendEmptyResultAsync(response);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task GetSessionsAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
				var filter = GetFilterParams(request);
				var paging = GetPagingParams(request);

				var page = await _sessionsClient.GetSessionsAsync(null, filter, paging);
				await SendResultAsync(response, page);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task RestoreSessionAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
				var parameters = GetParameters(request);
				var sessionId = parameters.GetAsNullableString("session_id");

				var session = await _sessionsClient.GetSessionByIdAsync(null, sessionId);

				// If session closed then return null
				if (session != null && !session.Active)
					session = null;

				if (session == null) await SendEmptyResultAsync(response);
				else await SendResultAsync(response, session);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task GetUserSessionsAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
				var filter = GetFilterParams(request);
				var paging = GetPagingParams(request);
				var parameters = GetParameters(request);

				var userId = 
					parameters.GetAsNullableString("user_id") ?? 

				filter.SetAsObject("user_id", userId);

				var page = await _sessionsClient.GetSessionsAsync(null, filter, paging);
				await SendResultAsync(response, page);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task GetCurrentSessionAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
				// parse headers first, and if nothing in headers get cookie
				var sessionId = request.Headers["x-session-id"];

				var session = await _sessionsClient.GetSessionByIdAsync(null, sessionId);
				await SendResultAsync(response, session);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);

		public async Task CloseSessionAsync(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
				var parameters = GetParameters(request);
				var sessionId =

				var session = await _sessionsClient.CloseSessionAsync(null, sessionId);
				await SendResultAsync(response, session);
			catch (Exception ex)
				await SendErrorAsync(response, ex);
		private static new T GetContextItem<T>(HttpRequest request, string name)
			where T : class
			if (request != null && request.HttpContext.Items.TryGetValue(name, out object item))
				return item as T;

			return null;