Implements: Container
The AzureFunction class allows you to create an Abstract Azure Function that acts as a container to instantiate and run components and expose them via an external entry point.
Importan points
When handling calls, the “cmd” parameter determines the action that shall be called, while the other parameters are passed to the action itself.
The container configuration for this Azure Function is stored in "./config/config.yml" file. But this path can be overriden by CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
- *:logger:*:*:1.0: (optional) ILogger components to pass log messages
- *:counters:*:*:1.0: (optional) ICounters components to pass collected measurements
- *:service:azure-function:*:1.0: (optional) IAzureFunctionController services to handle action requests.
- *:service:commandable-azure-function:*:1.0: (optional) IAzureFunctionController services to handle action requests.
Creates a new instance of this Azure Function.
AzureFunction([String? name, String? description]) : super(name, description)
- name: string - (optional) container’s name (accessible via ContextInfo)
- description: string - (optional) container’s description (accessible via ContextInfo)
Instance methods
Calls registered action in this Azure Function. “cmd” parameter in the action parameters determin what action shall be called.
This method shall only be used in testing.
Future act(Map<String, dynamic> context) async
- context: Map<String, dynamic> context) - action parameters.
- returns: Promise<any> - action result.
Executes this Azure Function and returns the result. This method can be overloaded in child classes if they need to change the default behavior
Future _execute(Map<String, dynamic> context) async
- context: Map<String, dynamic> - context the context parameters (or function arguments)
- returns: Promise<any> - the result of the function execution.
Returns command from Azure Function context. This method can be overloaded in child classes
String getCommand(Map<String, dynamic> context)
- context: Map<String, dynamic> - Azure Function context
- returns: string - Returns command from context
Returns traceId from Azure Function context. This method can be overloaded in child classes
String getTraceId(Map<String, dynamic> context)
- context: Map<String, dynamic> - Azure Function context
- returns: string - Returns traceId from context
Return plugin function
Future Function(Map<String, dynamic> context) getHandler()
- returns: (context: any) => Promise<any> - plugin function
Adds instrumentation to log calls and measures call time. It returns a Timing object that is used to end the time measurement.
InstrumentTiming instrument(IContext? context, String name)
- context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
- name: string - method’s name.
- returns: InstrumentTiming - Timing object to end the time measurement.
Opens the component.
Future open(IContext? context) async
- context: IContext - (optional) a context to trace execution through a call chain.
Registers an action in this Azure Function.
Note: This method has been deprecated. Use AzureFunctionController instead.
void registerAction(String? cmd, Schema? schema, Future Function(Map<String, dynamic>) action)
- cmd: str - a action/command name.
- schema: Schema - a validation schema to validate received parameters.
- action: (context: any) => Promise<any> - an action function that is called when action is invoked.
Registers all actions in this Azure Function.
Note: Overloading of this method has been deprecated. Use AzureFunctionController instead.
void register()
Runs this Azure Function, loads container configuration, instantiate components and manage their lifecycle, makes this function ready to access action calls.
Future run() async
Sets references to dependent components.
void setReferences(IReferences references)
- references: IReferences - references to locate the component’s dependencies.
class MyAzureFunction extends AzureFunction {
IMyService _service;
super('mygroup', 'MyGroup Azure function'){
void setReferences(IReferences references) {
_service = dependencyResolver.getRequired<IMyService>('service');
Future getMyData(params) async {
return await _service.getMyData(params['trace_id'],
void register() {
ObjectSchema(true).withOptionalProperty('id', TypeCode.String),
var azureFunction = MyAzureFunction();
print('MyAzureFunction is started');
var result = await azureFunction.act({'cmd': 'get_dummies'});