
Contains a key-value map with configuration parameters.

Extends: StringValueMap


The ConfigParams class contains a key-value map with configuration parameters. It allows you to define configuration parameters that can be used, for example, to define access control credentials.

Important points

  • In general, ConfigParams is used to pass configurations to IConfigurable objects. It also serves as a basis for more concrete configurations, such as ConnectionParams or CredentialParams.
  • This class stores all values as strings. These values can be serialized as JSON or string forms. When retrieved the values can be automatically converted using GetAsXXX methods.
  • The keys are case-sensitive, so it is recommended to use consistent C-style notation, such as “my_param”.
  • Configuration parameters can be broken into sections and subsections using dot notation, such as “section1.subsection1.param1”. Using GetSection method all parameters from the specified section can be extracted from a ConfigMap.
  • The ConfigParams class supports serialization from/to plain strings as: “key1=123;key2=ABC;key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z”


Creates a new ConfigParams and fills it with values. See StringValueMap.constructors


  • values: dynamic - (optional) object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this config map.

Instance Methods


Adds parameters into this ConfigParams under a specified section. Keys for the new parameters are appended with section dot prefix.

void addSection(String? section, ConfigParams? sectionParams)

  • section: String? - name of the section where add new parameters
  • sectionParams: ConfigParams? - new parameters to be added.


Gets parameters from specific section stored in this ConfigMap. The section name is removed from parameter keys.

ConfigParams getSection(String section)

  • section: String - name of the section to retrieve configuration parameters from.
  • returns: ConfigParams - all configuration parameters that belong to the section named ‘section’.


Gets a list with all 1st level section names.

List<String> getSectionNames()

  • returns: List<String> - list of section names stored in this ConfigMap.


Overrides parameters with new values from a specified ConfigParams object and returns a new ConfigParams object.

ConfigParams override(ConfigParams configParams)

  • configParams: ConfigParams - ConfigMap with parameters to override the current values.
  • returns: ConfigParams - new ConfigParams object.


Set default values from a specified ConfigParams object and returns a new ConfigParams object.

ConfigParams setDefaults(ConfigParams defaultConfigParams)

  • defaultConfigParams: ConfigParams - ConfigMap object with default parameter values.
  • returns: ConfigParams - new ConfigParams object.

Static methods


Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.

static ConfigParams fromString(String line)

  • line: String - string with serialized key-value pairs as “key1=value1;key2=value2;…”
    Example: “Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z”
  • returns: ConfigParams - new ConfigParams object.


Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, … pairs.
See StringValueMap.fromTuplesArray

static ConfigParams fromTuples(List tuples)

  • tuples: List - tuples to fill a new ConfigParams object.
  • returns: ConfigParams - new ConfigParams object.


Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with key-value pairs from a specified object.

static ConfigParams fromValue(value)

  • value: dynamic - object with key-value pairs used to initialize a new ConfigParams.
  • returns: ConfigParams - new ConfigParams object.


Merges two or more ConfigParams into one. The following ConfigParams override previously defined parameters.
See StringValueMap.fromMaps

static ConfigParams mergeConfigs(List<ConfigParams> configs)

  • configs: List<ConfigParams> - list of ConfigParams objects to be merged.
  • returns: ConfigParams - new ConfigParams object.


var config = ConfigParams.fromTuples([
    ['section1.key1', 'AAA',
    'section1.key2', 123,
    'section2.key1', true]

config.getAsString('section1.key1'); // Result: AAA
config.getAsInteger('section1.key1'); // Result: 0
section1 = config.getSection('section1');
section1.toString(); // Result: key1=AAA;key2=123

See also