Extends: AnyValueMap
The Parameters class contains a map with execution paramters.
Important points
- In general, this map may contain non-serializable values.
- In contrast with other maps, its getters and setters support dot notation and are able to access properties in the entire object graph.
- This class is often used to pass execution and notification arguments, and parameterize classes before execution.
Creates a new instance of the map and assigns its value.
- values: dynamic - (optional) values to initialize this map.
Instance methods
Assigns (copies over) properties from the specified value to this map.
void assignTo(value)
- value: dynamic - value whose properties shall be copied over.
Checks if this map contains an element with a specified key.
The key can be defined using dot notation and allows to recursively access elements of elements.
bool containsKey(Object? key)
- key: Object? - key to be checked
- returns: bool - true if this map contains the key or false otherwise.
Gets a map’s element specified by its key. The key can be defined using dot notation and allows to recursively access elements of elements.
dynamic get(String? key)
- key: String? - key of the element to get.
- returns: dynamic - value of the map element.
Converts a map’s element into a Parameters object or returns null if the conversion is not possible.
Parameters? getAsNullableParameters(String key)
- key: String - key of the element to get.
- returns: Parameters? - Parameters value of the element or null if the conversion is not supported.
Converts a map’s element into a Parameters object or returns an empty Parameters object if the conversion is not possible.
Parameters getAsParameters(String key)
- key: String - key of element to get.
- returns: Parameters - Parameters value of the element or empty Parameters object if the conversion is not supported.
Converts a map’s element into a Parameters object or returns a given default value if the conversion is not possible.
Parameters getAsParametersWithDefault(String key, Parameters defaultValue)
- key: String - key of element to get.
- defaultValue: Parameters - default value
- returns: Parameters - Parameters value of the element or default value if the conversion is not supported.
Omits selected parameters from this Parameters object and returns the rest as a new Parameters object.
Parameters omit(List<String> paths)
- paths: List<String> - keys to be omitted from copying over to new Parameters.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Overrides parameters with new values from a specified Parameters object and returns a new Parameters object.
Parameters override(Parameters? parameters, [bool recursive = false])
- parameters: Parameters? - Parameters with parameters to override the current values.
- recursive: bool - (optional) true to perform a deep copy, and false for a shallow copy. Default: false
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Picks select parameters from this Parameters object and returns them as a new Parameters object.
Parameters pick(List<String> paths)
- paths: List<String> - keys to be picked and copied over to the new Parameters object.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Puts a new value into a map’s element specified by its key. The key can be defined using dot notation and allows to recursively access elements of elements.
void put(String? key, value)
- key: String? - key of the element to put.
- value: dynamic - new value for map element.
Sets default values from a specified Parameters object and returns a new Parameters object.
Parameters setDefaults(Parameters defaultParameters, [bool recursive = false])
- defaultParameters: Parameters - Parameters object with default parameter values.
- recursive: bool - (optional) true to perform a deep copy, and false for a shallow copy. Default: false.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Converts this map to a JSON object.
String? toJsonString()
- returns: String? - JSON representation of this map.
Static methods
Creates new Parameters object from a ConfigMap object. See ConfigParams
Parameters fromConfig(ConfigParams? config)
- config: ConfigParams? - ConfigParams object that contains parameters.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Creates new Parameters object from a JSON string.
Parameters fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
- config: Map<String, dynamic> - json string that contains parameters.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Creates a new Parameters object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, … pairs.
See AnyValueMap.fromTuplesArray
static Parameters fromTuples(List tuples)
- tuples: dynamic - ConfigParams object that contain parameters.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Creates a new Parameters object filled with key-value pairs from a specified object.
Parameters fromValue(value)
- tuples: dynamic - object with key-value pairs used to initialize a new Parameters object.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.
Merges two or more Parameters objects into one. The resulting Parameters object overrides previously defined parameters.
Parameters mergeParams(List<Parameters> parameters)
- parameters: List<Parameters> - list of Parameters objects to be merged.
- returns: Parameters - new Parameters object.