
Contains connection parameters used to connect to external services.

Extends: ConfigParams


The ConnectionParams class allows you to create connection parameters used to connect to external services.

Important points

  • Usually, connection parameters are used together with credential parameters, but are stored separately from these more protected and sensitive values.

Configuration parameters

  • discovery_key: key to retrieve parameters from discovery service
  • protocol: connection protocol like http, https, tcp, udp
  • host: host name or IP address
  • port: port number
  • uri: resource URI or connection string with all parameters in it

In addition to standard parameters ConnectionParams may contain any number of custom parameters.


Creates a new ConnectionParams object and fills it with values.


  • values: dynamic - (optional) object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this connection.

Instance methods


Gets the key to retrieve this connection from DiscoveryService. If this key is null, then all parameters are already present.

String? getDiscoveryKey()

  • returns: String? - resolved options or error.


Gets the host name or IP address.

String? getHost()

  • returns: String? - host name or IP address.


Gets the port number.

int? getPort()

  • returns: int? - port number.


Gets the port number with default value.

int getPortWithDefault(int defaultPort)

  • defaultPort: int - default port number.
  • returns: int - port number.


Gets the connection protocol.

String? getProtocol([String? defaultValue])

  • defaultValue: String? - (optional) default protocol
  • returns: String? - connection protocol or default value if it’s not set.


Gets the connection protocol with default value.

String getProtocolWithDefault(String defaultValue)

  • defaultValue: String - (optional) default protocol
  • returns: String - connection protocol or the default value if it’s not set.


Gets the resource URI or connection string. Usually it includes all connection parameters in it.

String? getUri()

  • returns: String? - resource URI or connection string.


Sets the key to retrieve these parameters from DiscoveryService.

void setDiscoveryKey(String? value)

  • value: String? - new key to a retrieve connection.


Sets the host name or IP address.

void setHost(String? value)

  • value: String? - new host name or IP address.


Sets the port number.

void setPort(int value)

  • value: int - new port number.


Sets the connection protocol.

void setProtocol(String? value)

  • value: String? - new connection protocol.


Sets the resource URI or connection string.

void setUri(String value)

  • value: String - new resource URI or connection string.


Checks if these connection parameters shall be retrieved from DiscoveryService. The connection parameters are redirected to DiscoveryService when discovery_key parameter is set.

bool useDiscovery()

  • returns: bool - true if the connection shall be retrieved from DiscoveryService

Static methods


Retrieves a single ConnectionParams from configuration parameters from “connection” section. If “connections” section is present instead, then it returns only the first connection element.

static List<ConnectionParams?> manyFromConfig(ConfigParams config)

  • config: ConfigParams - ConnectionParams, containing a section named “connection(s)”.
  • returns: List<ConnectionParams?> - generated ConnectionParams object.


Creates a new ConnectionParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.

static ConnectionParams fromString(String line)

  • line: String - string with serialized key-value pairs as “key1=value1;key2=value2;…" Example: “Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z”

  • returns: ConnectionParams - new ConnectionParams object.


Creates a new ConnectionParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, … pairs.

static ConnectionParams fromTuples(List<dynamic> tuples)

  • tuples: List<dynamic> - tuples to fill a new ConnectionParams object.

  • returns: ConnectionParams - new ConnectionParams object.


Retrieves all ConnectionParams from configuration parameters from “connections” section. If “connection” section is present instead, then it returns a list with only one ConnectionParams.

static List<ConnectionParams> manyFromConfig(ConfigParams config)

  • config: ConfigParams - configuration parameters to retrieve connections

  • returns: List<ConnectionParams> - list of retrieved ConnectionParams


var connection = ConnectionParams.fromTuples([
    'protocol', 'http',
    'host', '',
    'port', '8080',
    'cluster', 'mycluster'

var host = connection.getHost();                             // Result: ''
var port = connection.getPort();                             // Result: 8080
var cluster = connection.getAsNullableString('cluster');     // Result: 'mycluster'   

See also