
Container configuration defined as a list of component configurations.

Extends: ListBase<ComponentConfig>


The ContainerConfig class allows you to create a container configuration defined as a list of component configurations.


Creates a new instance of ContainerConfig.

ContainerConfig([List<ComponentConfig>? components])

  • components: List<ComponentConfig>? - (optional) list of component configurations.

Static methods


Creates a new ContainerConfig object based on configuration parameters. Each section in the configuration parameters is converted into a component configuration.

static ContainerConfig fromConfig(ConfigParams? config)

  • config: ConfigParams? - object with key-value pairs used to initialize a new ContainerConfig.
  • returns: ContainerConfig - created ContainerConfig object.


Creates a new ContainerConfig object filled with key-value pairs from a specified object. The value is converted into ConfigParams object which is used to create the new object.

static [ContainerConfig]( fromValue(value)

  • value: dynamic - object with key-value pairs used to initialize a new ContainerConfig.
  • returns: ContainerConfig - created ContainerConfig object.