
References decorator that automatically opens newly added components that implement the IOpenable interface and closes removed components that implement the IClosable interface.

Extends: ReferencesDecorator

Implements: IOpenable


The RunReferencesDecorator class allows you to create a references decorator that automatically opens newly added components that implement the IOpenable interface and closes removed components that implement the IClosable interface.


Creates a new instance of the decorator.

RunReferencesDecorator(IReferences nextReferences, IReferences topReferences)

  • nextReferences: IReferences - next references or decorator in the chain.
  • topReferences: IReferences - decorator at the top of the chain.



Flag of the component state

_opened: bool = false

Instance methods


Puts a new reference into the reference map.


void put(locator, component)

  • locator: dynamic - locator to find the reference by.
  • reference: dynamic - component reference to be added.


Removes a previously added component that matches the specified locator. If many references match the locator, it removes only the first one. When all references shall be removed, use the removeAll method instead.


dynamic remove(locator)

  • locator: dynamic - locator to remove component
  • returns: dynamic - removed component.


Removes all component references that match the specified locator.


List removeAll(locator)

  • locator: dynamic - locator to remove references by.
  • returns: List - list containing all removed references.

See also