
Random generator for duration values.


The RandomDouble class allows you to generate random duration values.

Static methods


Generates a random Duration in the range [‘min’, ‘max’].

static Duration nextDuration(Duration min, [Duration? max])

  • min: Duration - (optional) minimum range value
  • max: Duration? - max range value
  • returns: Duration - random Date value.


Updates (drifts) a Date value within specified range defined

static Duration updateDuration(Duration value, [int? range])

  • value: Duration - Date value to drift.
  • range: int? - (optional) range in milliseconds. Default: 10 days
  • returns: Duration - updated duration value.


var value1 = RandomDouble.nextDouble(5, 10);     // Possible result: 7.3
var value2 = RandomDouble.nextDouble(10);        // Possible result: 3.7
var value3 = RandomDouble.updateDouble(10, 3);   // Possible result: 9.2