
Random generator for integer values.


The RandomInteger class allows you to generate random integer values.

Static methods


Generates an integer in the range [‘min’, ‘max’]. If ‘max’ is omitted, then the range will be set to [0, ‘min’].

static int nextInteger(int min, [int? max])

  • min: int - minimum value of the integer that will be generated. If ‘max’ is omitted, then ‘max’ is set to ‘min’ and ‘min’ is set to 0.
  • max: int? - (optional) maximum value of the float that will be generated. Defaults to ‘min’ if omitted.
  • returns: int - generated random integer value.


Updates (drifts) a integer value within specified range.

static int updateInteger(int value, [int? range])

  • value: int - integer value to drift.
  • range: int? - (optional) range. Default: 10% of the value
  • returns: int - updated integer value.


Generates a random sequence of integers starting from 0 like: [0,1,2,3…??]

static List<int> sequence(int min, [int? max])

  • min: int - minimum value of the integer that will be generated. If ‘max’ is omitted, then ‘max’ is set to ‘min’ and ‘min’ is set to 0.
  • max: int? - (optional) maximum value of the float that will be generated. Defaults to ‘min’ if omitted.
  • returns: List<int> - generated array of integers.


var value1 = RandomInteger.nextInteger(5, 10);     // Possible result: 7
var value2 = RandomInteger.nextInteger(10);        // Possible result: 3
var value3 = RandomInteger.updateInteger(10, 3);   // Possible result: 9